Nidget's forum posts
I'm not here asking you, I'm telling you ... the beast known as Microsoft *Points to ceiling* has produced the Superior Console this gen ... here are the irrefutable facts to back my claim up ...
- Every 360 comes with mic / Competition? No mic with the PS3 or Wii. Game lobbys are dead, you might as well play bots.
- Every 360 has wireless controllers with the option for a battery pack (comes with rechargable cables) / Competition? internal battery pack, if the battery dies its a lot of touble to replace, most will resort to just replacing the whole controller. Milk!
- Every PS3 sold has had a HDMI port .... Pity it only comes with sub-HD cables :lol:
- Every PS3 has Bluetooth / Competition? Doesn't need it :wink: The quality of the voice chat on the PS3 is awful. Im glad the 360 doesn't have it.
- Every 360 has interchangable face plates / Competition? Nope
- Both consoles unreliable. PS3 slims are cheaply made pieces of junk.
- Every 360 has 3 USB ports / Competition? Models now only come with 2
- The 360 has the Best exclusive FPS this gen which still gets around a million people playing every day. Do I even need to name it?...
- The 360 has the best online package available on consoles which is integrated into the system and ALL games universally. / Competition? Messy mish-mash of applications and features crammed together to form an "online service" lol. MGS4, the best PS3 game to date, doesnt even have trophies :lol:
- The 360 has the most AAA, AA and A games out of the 3 consoles. i.e, has a better library than the PS3 and Wii. FACT*
Wish I could make this topic somehow discussable but due to the superiority of the 360 as seen above, it makes it rather impossible.
*System wars fact, going by Gamespot scores :wink:
[QUOTE="Lionheart08"] want to claim ownage on cows here for what fanboys on a completely different site did? :?
Well here and here are just two examples of it being used as cow ammunition that i could find. Heres a little quote for you : "...these are the games from high profile developers, or that actually look very interesting and give you a reason to care about them......Quantum Theory
Oh and theres this lol
But yeah i guess the game has become crap now, amirite?
Well let's see, in the firsttwo threads the TCs, and the TC alone, was the only person to mention Quantum Theory. And in that last thread didn't even have anyone hyping it other thanthe now banned-Renegade.
So...great research there, you actually found a game only hyped by 3 people. :|
Oh please, you think ive went through the entire GS boards and pulled everything mentioning it? No, i hit the search button and pulled a few of the links off the first page. Don't act like you believe this is all that was mentioned of this game, ive seen lots more. This really is damage control at its finest, save yourself the embarrassment and accept the PS3 has lost an exclusive that cows did care about.[QUOTE="Nidget"]
[QUOTE="Lionheart08"] want to claim ownage on cows here for what fanboys on a completely different site did? :?
Well here and here are just two examples of it being used as cow ammunition that i could find. Heres a little quote for you : "...these are the games from high profile developers, or that actually look very interesting and give you a reason to care about them......Quantum Theory
Oh and theres this lol
But yeah i guess the game has become crap now, amirite?
your first tw0 links are just people listing exclusives. not hype for quantom theory threads. and the last link is from 2008 Yeah, exactly. It was a game that cows cared about. Good enough to be listed on exclusive comparisons and good enough to get excited about when announced (see third link) Who cares when it dates from, it proves you guys did care :wink:I know lol, Ive definitely seen this game praised on the numerous threads at GT etc. about upcoming PS3 exclusives.[QUOTE="Nidget"][QUOTE="EvanTheGamer"]
Funny how cows are now saying it was a bad game in the first place.
Lionheart08 want to claim ownage on cows here for what fanboys on a completely different site did? :?
Well here and here are just two examples of it being used as cow ammunition that i could find. Heres a little quote for you : "...these are the games from high profile developers, or that actually look very interesting and give you a reason to care about them......Quantum Theory
Oh and theres this lol
But yeah i guess the game has become crap now, amirite?
:lol: And the Reach damage control starts. A year early too700 pages just for a trailer of Halo, lemmings eat anything named Halo.No wonder it sells millions even if it doesn't evolve one bit.
Oh and the hypocrisy, now lemmings love talking about graphics :lol:
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