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Technology Abstinence

So I'm not going to be on GS for two days straight because of this assignment for my Communications class. It's basically no technology for 48 hours. That means no computer, no internet, not TV, no games, no phone, no mp3 player, no movies, no nothing for 2 whole days....

I have a feeling this is going to be very painful...

Wish me luck guys. (I'm going to need it)

Planet Hulk

Alright, so I've been putting off making a new blog post for a while now, but I knew the next one I was going to make was going to be about comics. I knew I was going to make this post for a little while now, it's just that JPL's recent 'what are you reading' thread finally got me to get of my lazy bum and write it.

Okay so first off I'm not really a big fan of the Hulk, but Planet Hulk seems to have pretty universal praise, so I thought I'd check it out.

I guess I'll give a really short summery quick. The set up for the story is that the hulk is tricked into being launched into space to be sent to an alien planet where he can live alone in peace. This doesn't happen as the rocket gets sucked into a portal and the Hulk ends up on some other planet where he get's enslaved and forced to fight for his freedom.

Now that we got that out of the way I'm going to give my only real problem with the book. It moves at a break-neck pace. A lot of stuff happens in this book and it never sits around and dwells on any one thing for long. It keeps moving right along and as such some parts that are supposed to be emotional can sort of lose a bit of their impact cause 2 panels later they're moving on to the next thing.

Another thing that goes along with this is that not all the fights in the book are show the whole way through. A fight might start only to cut away to another scene half way through. What they do here though is start the fight and then pretty much tell you 'okay here's the turning point of this battle, the hulk is going to win now' they'll leave you with that and then move onto something else so that the fight doesn't take up to much of the chapter.

As you will see from this Planet Hulk doesn't focus too much on fights. It focuses a lot more about story and character development.

That's one of the highlights of PH to me, the characters. There's a lot of them and all of them are given their time to shine at one point or another.

Before my final comments on the book I'll just say that the art in PH is fantastic. Not my personal favorite, but it's pretty high up there.

Okay, here's my final comment on PH. The ending. No, I'm not going to spoil it for you. What I will say though is that the ending makes or breaks the book. I was skeptical at first of the ending because I was left with such disbelief. I read the afterwards by the author then (a must!) and thought about it for a bit. After that the ending clicked for me. This is going to sound pretty cheesy (mainly cause I can't think of a great way to word this) but why I though the ending was good was because it left me in a state of complete disbelief like the hulk. I sort of connected with the character and felt what he was feeling. (Sort of like how Death of Cap/Iron Man Civil War) actually made me feel sad and sympathy for the characters.

I don't know, that might of made no sense right there, but it's pretty much the best I could come up with right now. (I need to realize that a blog post is not a term paper and it doesn't have to be perfect) Overall I'd have to give Planet Hulk a recommendation. Check it out of the library sometime I bet you won't be disappointed.

It's amazing how hard I can make a simple assignment become.

So I'm having a really hard time writing this small paper assignment for my english class that is due tomorrow. It's really easy, I mean really easy! It only has to be two paragraphs long.

The main deal with the paper is that it's a short description of a fictional event that happens in your hometown or at Campus. We need to use fake sources that help us describe the event (or real ones, like CNN, Fox News, etc). There needs to be three of these fake sources total.

The reason I'm making this so hard is that I'm not good at just free writing, I like to have preset goals that I need to accomplish. There is no real goal for this, it's open ended for the most part and it's up to our imagination to create the stroy. Another issue that is killing me is the fact that we might have to present our paper to the class. This makes things a bit tougher as I now need to make something up that I won't feel like an idiot reading in front of the class.

I think too much into these sorts of things. Like what will people think of me depending upon what I write about. My original idea was going to be a sort of humorous story about a meteorite crashing into the local farm. I trashed this becaue I couldn't make it that entertaining and it seemed to cliched...

My current idea is about some one getting gunned down late at night as he's leaving the local church he attends. The priest who was a witness of the act claims it to be an act of evil that befell a man who has turned his life around after "finding god". This arguement is countered by some other source on the internet (can't think of a name for it right now) that calls the shooters "hereos" claiming that they are a group of vigilantes that aren't afraid of taking the law into their own hands. The man that was killed was said to be a convicted child rapist by the local police department.

I really like this story becaue it deals with the whole 'what's right and what's wrong' arguement. It makes you question yourself and is more than just a little story. The main problem is that I think the story is a little extreme to say in class. It makes me think of things like, "What will everyone think of me if I say this in front of class?" "what will the teacher think" "this sounds a little dark, do I want that image?"

It's all a lot for me to think about as I'm pretty sensitive to being judged. I'm always afraid that people will think of me badly. I'm afraid that in the end stuff like this could outcast me from my peers...

Then again I'm pretty much already and outcast. I don't talk to anyone and no one talks to me. I'm an uninteresting person. I didn't help my situation with this, because since I don't talk in class, this will be most peoples first impressions of me and how I talk in front of people/how I think.

I think I'll just go through with it and write it about what I like. Besides, there's only two more weeks of class. After that I most likely won't see anyone from that class ever again. I'll be put into a new dorm next year and things will be back to normal. I won't know anyone and no one will know me. Just like the way things always are.

I miss my dog...

Yeah, I miss my old dog. He was really nice and friendly, always in a happy mood, which makes me feel worse to this day. After he died I always wondered if i could have loved him more...

You see I had times where I had a lot of fun with him and was glad that he was around, but there were times where he'd be there happy and waving his tail and I just sort of look at him in contempt. Not hate, but I wanted him to leave me alone. I'd give him a treat not because I loved him, but just for him to go away and do something else.

I feel pretty bad about that, I mean here's this animal that is always happy to see you and I just sort of push it aside, not even recognising it. I don't know, it's hard to explain... I wish I could have appreciated him more when he was alive.

Now he's dead and I'm left wondering if I could have made his life better by treating him better and not just taking his friendlyness for granted.

Oh well, now I have a cat and he's just sort of there. I like him a lot, but he doesn't greet me when I come through the door (unless he's trying to get outside). Oh well, maybe a cat's better for me anyway, he can do his thing and I can do mine.

Are you Important?

Well I was in Psych class today we were talking about Humanistic theory (or something like that...). Well, one of the interesting things the prof brought up was that there was a survey taken at some time or another and it asked the taker if he/she felt important/special. Aparently the majority said yes.

Maybe it's just me, but I just sort of rofl'd at that statement and sat there in amusment. But then it struck me as to why I found this amusing. I looked at if from a worldly perspective. In other words, I didn't see why anyone would feel important in a world full of billions of other people.

In that perspective I'd have to say that one person holds little value. So let's take a closer look. One is much more important at a smaller scale. If I died right now and looked at it from just my family, everyone would be sad. That's because I was important to most of my family. So my death would seem significant. Go out a bit further to the town i live in. If I died there would be some upsetness, but most people would be like, "sucks for that kid" and shrug it off. Go out further to the state that I live and and even fewer people would care about my death, making my death even less significant. The we go further out and I don't need to explain further, I think you catch my drift...

So my guess it that people felt important because they were looking about it from a smaller perspective, in which case yes, most people are important.

Then again, like I said before, I tend to look at things in the big picture. So unless you're curing AIDS, GTFO!


People, I can't stand them.

Ok so i'm all worked up over that kid that left home because of COD4 and then was later found dead.

I can't believe anyone would feel bad about this. It doesn't make sense. This kid could have come home at any time, but he didn't. Why? Is he stupid? Well, probably yes, I mean he left home over video games, but that's not really the point. This kid lacks common sense.

I can't feel bad for this kid. He deserved what happened to him. I'm sorry, he just does...


Yeah, I haven't made a blog post in a while, so I thought I would for the 6 or 7 friends that I have...

Anyway, I'm in college now and I'm having a pretty hard time concentrating on my work. I find myself playing games or mindlessly surfing the net in hopes of finding something interesting. But I'm trying to change my ways. I force myself to do laundry even if I don't have to (It's the best way I can get myself to do readind assignments...), and I try to do the suggested homework porblems for my math class.

Whatever though, my parents are in the middle of getting a divorce (old news) but now it seems as though my mom is going dillusional... I told her that I was fine with my father coming up to visit me in college with his new girlfriend, and the next day I get a call from my dad saying he got a voice mail from my mom telling him that I was NOT ok with him bringing his girlfriend with him...WTF?!?

Eh, what are you going to do? I kind of feel bad for her though, cause she has no one right now. Everyone is out of the house, so no one is there to keep her company besides our cats...

Well, I'll try to update my blog a little more often, but now it's time to do laundry!!!

The Neccesity of Bots.

Multiplayer games NEED Bots.

There I said it.

It's true, it's so true that it isn't even funny anymore. What are develpors thinking, seriously? Your game will not be reviewed worse if you have bots in included in your multiplayer, infact it will almost definatly be scored better if you consider not everyone has online... or friends (haha). I WANT BOTS. I actually prefer playing with the computer than with other people on occasions. With bots you could always have the maximum amount of players on a map, or decide the amount you prefer. Also, you would always pick what map you want, what weapons you want on the map, where you want them and more.

Bots would really help games that have a short singleplayer. The game would definately get more sales from people who don't have online, because those people would still get a lot of playtime from the multiplayer, which would have BOTS!!! Games like COD4 would benefit and the game would have a much higher longevity for people without online because they could do teamdeath match by themselves or against a friend, each with their own AI troops, or, better yet, they could team up with each other and take a defensive position constantly being attacked by 14 or so AI opponents, or they could take the offensive on them. Halo 3 could benefit as well. Everyone who doesn't have live could finally have a reason to use the forge. They could make their own maps and play against AI's to create their own fun. Gears of War could benefit. You know how the game ended after 8 or so hours, for the people without live, well give them multiplayer bots and they can have fun on all those multiplayer maps that they hadlooked at with envy, knowing they couldn't play on them. Hell, if they are like me they would simply have fun playing as a locust, or someone who isn't named Marcus Fenix.

With these last words I will summerize what I have previously said in a small paragraph. GIVE ME MULTIPLAYER BOTS!!! EVERYONE CAN BENEFIT FROM THEM!!! I DON'T WANT TO PLAY AS MARCUS FENIX!!!

(deep breaths... deep breaths...)

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