"And then there's the DLC problem. While Tales of Arise offers some paid cosmetic DLC--extra costumes and decorations, which don't change gameplay--it also offers “gameplay boosting” packages that grant bonuses like permanent EXP and SP boosts, massive shop discounts, reducing all crafting and cooking materials needed to 1, and so on. While this is an optional purchase, the fact that it exists at all constantly made me second-guess the game's design decisions: are healing items expensive to teach me to take less damage, or to get me to buy a shop discount DLC package? Are boss fights so much harder than standard fights because the designers really want to test my skills, or because I didn't get that EXP boost DLC? I often felt like money and resources like SP were kept scarce, so instead of focusing completely on having fun and exploring Tales of Arise's various gameplay systems, I was often wondering if I was being subtly pushed to buy gameplay advantages."
Is this serious? Wow... a very strange way of thinking.
NightRain's comments