@bsford What's the brand? Is it Eneloop? If so, i'm considering buying those because they are considered by many (online) to be the best of them all. Lasts long and lots of recharges. And you can't buy them in stores... well, not where I live.
I just got a brand new PC which will finally help me play some of the recent PC games. Something I could not to with my other 8-10 year whatever old ass PC. But you know what? I still prefer consoles. Did I wasted my money? Absolutely not. I will play a few games like Diablo 3, Titanfall and some games on Steam... but PC will never replace my consoles. I grew up as a console player, played a LOT of PC games in my teenage years (Doom, Quake, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Diablo, etc...) and then went back to console gaming. I still prefer the games you can have on consoles. There is a LOT of console games not available on PC. Do not think you can play everything on PC... legally.
I'm used to both keyboard+mouse controls and regular controllers but... I got so used to play games like Halo, Call of Duty and all the FPS games with a controller that... it's kinda hard to go back to KB+mouse. I mean I can do it but i'm so comfortable with a controller that I see why I should go back to KB+mouse.
I don't have a specific console of choice since i'm not a fanboy of anything. I have a PS3, Xbox 360 and a Wii U. I will eventually get a PS4 and an Xbox One. I want to play EVERYTHING! Also got a 3DS too.
So I like my new PC but it will never beat my consoles, sorry. :)
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