@MadButtCracker star wars jedi knight 1,2,3star wars rogue squadron 1,2star wars kotor 1, 2(with tslrcm)star wars republic commandostar wars empire at warstar wars tie fighterstar wars battlefront 2.and i think star wars shadows of the empire is also a good game
wii u is much better than ps4 because:1.wii u is chaper.2.wii u is back compatible with wii games and controllers.3.some games are onley coming for wii u like bayonetta 2.and i think wii u is like ps2 in 2 prevevus gen that sold more than xbox1 and gamecuberegardless that it was with lesser graaphics.and also ps4 don't support 4k resolution for its games.
Nightelf123's comments