@Flen15: "Overall plot felt borrowed from A New Hope with elements of the other movies thrown in here and there. It felt unoriginal."
yeah but with this difference that it is also much lesser exciting than original episode 4 especially the final Death Star Battle.(at least in episode 6 the second death star battle is much more different than the first one in episode 4.
another problem in my opinion is Kylo Ren which is the most crybaby sith I've ever seen.
This movie is the most overrated movie I've ever seen.
TFA's Story is just a copy paste from SW episode 4 with a lot of plotholes and it also has the worst villain in SW universe(Kylo ren) .
there is the reason movies like Eragon don't consider masterpieces because their stories is just a copy paste from SW but when SW copied that Story for episode 7, for some stupid reason reviewers consider it as a masterpiece which makes me believe disney has paid a lot of money to reviewers .
Episodes 4,5,6 and 3 are much better than this crap and at least episode 1 had a much better villain(Darth maul).
and even if you search user reviews you can easily realize that at least 50-55 percent of fans were disappointed by this overrated movie.
@dario_violate: the real problem is that Battlefront 2 from 2005 with 2005 Graphics is much better and more enjoyable than this New Battlefront and Battlefront 2 had half of the price of this new Battlefront with more contents.
Nightelf123's comments