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Nighthawk89 Blog

Prelude Complete!

Just finished the playthrough of The Hobbit. It's not a horrible game, but not the best ever either. Expect a review up sometime this week, probably Thursday or Friday because I'm off on Friday and will have time :D.

Xmas anticipation is killing me. It's only December 3rd, and I'm counting the minutes till the 25th. I'm also looking forwards to the day after, when I take all the money I've gotten and go on a fun shopping spree. Not a dime of it is going in to my bank account. I'm spending it all on fun (and also to pay back mom for money I need for presents :D). I doubt I'll get enough to afford a 360, but a girl cna dream. Speaking of 360s, for their backwards compadibility, how good is it? Will I be able to connect online to play Halo 2, and all the other classic games for the Xbox? A detailed analysis of backwards compadibilty for the 360 would be much appreciated if anyone knows enough.


Hurtin for Hobbit

The title is serious. My rear end is aching after sitting for 4 hours playing the Hobbit. The graphics are bad for GC, the gaming repetitive and quite easy. But I'm still plowing through it, if only to finish it.

Good news for me. Mom already managed to get TP for Wii. She still can't find the actual Wii, but at least she got the game. It'd suck if we managed to find the Wii but had to wait even longer for TP. I still have to wait till Xmas, but 's not as bad now. Plus, I renewed Nintendo Power, with their offer of a free TP players guide and soundtrack! I'm giving the guide to mom to hold onto till Xmas when it comes, and taking the soundtrack for myself. Can't wait to get a nice taste of TP awesomeness.

What's up with this Dark Messiah tourney? The game gets a 6.7 and they do a tourney? Jeez, I'd rather watch more Counterstrike tournaments. The only reason I'd watch it would be for an emblem, and 's too late anyways now.

Finally, posted a new review. I'd been holding onto this one, wanted to get it out. Sucky game, but doesn't mean I can't review it.


2nd Post: Bilbo Baggins! Bilbo Baggins! Bravest Little Hobbit of Them All!

So a funny sort of mood struck me, and I decided to sit down and bring out my copy of the Hobbit for Gamecube. I don't really know why I did it, I'm guessing out of frustration of my other games, and the want to do something new. Hell, who knows, maybe Harvest Moon GC will make an appearance. All I know is that the game is frustrating in some instances, and stupidly easy in others. Take the latest boss I just defeated, a triple threat of spider sisters. After freeing the dwarves, the sisters dropped from the ceiling, along with a good two dozen spider monsters, including annoying little green poison ones that I DESPISE. But after killing all the weak creatures, I found that the other spiders could be easily killed by getting out of range, and whacking with stones, and then doing some sword cuts when they're paralyzed. WTH? That's cheap. Same with the last boss. I ran around in circles for 10 minutes, waiting for mushrooms to regenerate, and filled my hearts to full every time I got low. Infinite regeneraring mushrooms seem just a tad unfair. The same thing occured in the spider fight. Give me a challenge man!

Also, there are way too many save points. I found one like every 10 feet. It's great that you climbed up a few vines, but it does not mean that you should get to save just because of that.

Finally, the controls are annoying me. For some reason, B only seems appropriate as an attack button in Zelda games. Also, I kept getting X and Y mixed up, causing a fair amount of deaths. Maybe it's just me, but the whole way they set it up just doesn't seem RIGHT. I want my L Targeting back, not Y targeting! Y targeting is stupid!

In the course of a weekend I've ammased the named of about 30 new songs I wanna download, and I've not got the money to do so because the little cash I have on hand, I'm using for Xmas presents. I need a job. The EB games never called back, and 'm not sure what else is downtown to spot out for jobs. Grah, 's frustrating. I either need a job, or I need to stop being such a music-aholic. I've promised myself however that I wouldn't buy any more music until after the holidays.

I've got a massive headache. I need to rest my eyes. Thanks for listening to me rant.



Colbert + Wii = LOVE!

For the love of god, please let him actively play the Wii as a gamer. I'd love to face off against him in something ^___________^. And I wanna see his cute little Mii!

Come on Comedy Central! Just 4 hours till the rerun!

Now all we need is Stewart to box against him on air and I will DIE.

The Level of DOOM

So I've reached the dreaded level 20 of hell, Metal Slime. Joy. Here's to the next 4 months of beating my head against a desk, waiting for level 21. They seriously need to fix this level glitch. It's quite annoying. Bah.

Going Sudoku crazy on my DS over here. I need to play soooo many things before Twilight Princess takes over my life. What's pissing me off is that I'm stuck at bosses in both Xenosaga and FFX. *sigh* I'm gonna have to end up leveling up a ton in Xeno before taking on the boss again, and in FFX I'll have to use luck to get past this crap. I think after these bosses, a nice leveling session in each game is well due. Something to pump me up and make boss fights a piece of cake. Well, at least I've got Baten Kaitos to hold me up fer a while, as well as Metroid Prime. But goddamnit, I need to beat FFX! I've had FFX-2 in storage for the past 3 months, waiting to break it open! A 14.99 price tag for a NEW copy was too good to pass up.

Meh, can't wait to get with next-gen.


My Wii-kend (God, the wii jokes have to stop sometime, don't they?)

So considering the wii has been sold out, I'm going to have to be sharp if I'm to aquire one for Xmas. If you hear of new shipments coming to the northeast US, please do tell! That way I can send mom out and actually have a chance of her picking one up.

You know, I didn't buy Brain Age for the Sudoku, but now I'm hooked. I've figured out all the subtle ins and outs and how to actually win the damn thing, and I think I've gotten pretty good. I'm slowly working my way through them, they give you quite a few. Now I know why the thing is so addictive. It's also easier to do on the DS than on paper. You can erase more quickly and completely cleanly, and be more organized. I could still do a paper version though, but I'd be a bit more hesitant because I really wouldn't know till the very end if I was getting my answers right. Though considering how well I do on the DS, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I've started playing Baten Kaitos again. I know I should probably concentrate on FFX or Xenosaga, but I'm stuck at boss levels in them atm, and I'm itching for something different. I've always regretted never finishing it, though I got it the same time as Tales of Symphonia, so it's a good excuse. :D Sorry Kalas, but Lloyd Irving beats you any day. It's an interesting battle system, but just too complicated. Way too many elements of combat intertwined, especially when you have to be fast at card casting in battle. It's still fun though, because it's relatively easy to ignore most of the information and still turn out ok in battle.

I'll prolly end up trying to get through FFX and a few other games this weekend. Lemme put up a quick list of what I'm hoping for this holiday season:

Nintendo Wii
Zelda TP
Red Steel (I don't give a crap about reviews)
Tales of the Abyss
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2
Dance Pad
Resident Evil 4 (I'll be 17 in two weeks! Yaay for my ability to buy M rated games!)


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US! Hope your day is filled with turkey delights! And also, hope you find out how the hell to keep the turkey icon. It's kinda funny :D

Gobble gobble!


I Got to Try the Wii!!

So I went to the mall tonight for some shopping, and while we were mozying around, what do I spot but a Wii display smack dab in the middle! After oogling someone playing Twilight Princess, I GOT TO TRY IT!!!

First off, I was still torn between whether I'd be getting the Wii or GC version of TP. After trying this out however, I'm waiting for the Wii for Xmas. My MOTHER actually got excited when she saw all this, so she's buying a second controller so I can verse her in Wii sports xD.

Control scheme took a little getting used to, but by the end of the demo I was kicking ASS. Swinging the remote to use the sword was SO cool. It doesn't even take that much movement either, and I started using spin attacks by the end. The pointer is gonna take a little getting used to. I'm sure after some practice I'll be able to aim more easily. The one thing I wish I could've done was ride Epona. I did the dungeon demo, so no horse play yet ;-;. The graphics are BEAUTIFUL. I'm totally using the large TV to play once I get it. I was amazed by how wonderful everything looked.

I'm too excited now. Screw the PS3. I'll be having awesome fun this year with my Wii, and if I'm lucky, the 360 too.


~An Extremely Elated Nighthawk~

Sims 2, Help me!

My laptop is currently being a *insert curse here* and my Sims 2 runs laggishly. Anyone have any ideas of how to make my system run faster or something? Here's what I've already done.

- system defrag
- disk cleanup
- set graphical qualities to lowest setting
- closed all background apps before playing

We have a 99 Dell that was pimped up with more GB and runs Windows XP. Do you think it might stand a better chance of running this even thought it's sorta kinda old? I'd have to wait to get the extra GB from the harddrive my cousin is selling me, but if I tried it on there, might it work better?

All help appreciated.

~Nighthawk, who now realizes why she rarely buys computer games~