I think PS4 looks a LOT more promising than the Xbox One, and it's also more affordable. Not that I'll buy either one at launch, I'm more of a PC person, but I feel like picking up the PS4 later in it's cycle if there are some good games from Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream, etc.
Haha, I remember the testudo being so freaking bugged in Rome, it could take several minutes for the soldiers to even move into the formation, if they did at all.
@Cloud_imperium Who cares, it's a multiplayer game anyway. The campaign is just in there for the sake of having a campaign and it's most likely gonna suck just as much as the campaigns of BC2 and BF3 (BC1 was actually okay).
@douglasregio Battlefield has NEVER been good on consoles. The Bad Company games were a huge step down as they were "consolified" (smaller maps, more focused gameplay, less players). BF3 is okay, but it suffers from using the Frostbite engine which is crap for multiplayer. The response time in games using said engine is just terrible. BF2 was definitely the pinnacle of the series, as far as gameplay goes (until they messed up the hit-box, that is).
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