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Ninja_Rebel Blog

Over 1,000 blog views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I know that it is nothing compared to most people but, it is pretty good to me since I have only been on here a little over a month. Well, I should have included this in the last blog post but, forgot to see and so I just decided to make a new one about it instead. WELL, KEEP ON VIEWING UNTIL 2,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another new emblem!!!!!!!!

I have just recieved another new emblem, the Vote Rocker emblem for exercising my right to vote. Just find the 10 spot voting thing and then vote, IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!!! Also, keep the questions coming!!!!!!! I need more to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ask questions, I've got answers.

I am trying this again and hoping to get more questions then last time. Well, ask me a question and in three to four days your answer shall arive. Just send your question via reply and I will look at your question shortly. I when send the answer via blog post and should arrive in three to four days. Thank you for questioning and hopefully you will continue to question again.

(if this sounded like an info-mercial then it's mission success)

A problem with my reviews!!! *GASP*

It has been brought to me, via message or personally, that my reviews are too short and do not say what needs to be said. Well, for all of you out there read some and decide for yourselves as I like for people to be able to read it quick and know what is good and bad and not type a page long decribtion when I could have just typed one half the size and still say all that needed to be said. So, for those of you who think they don't say what needs to be said then let the people decide!!!!!!!! LET THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level up, new emblem, and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have leveled up again. I have also recieved a new emblem, the popular emblem. I will be adding a The World Ends With You and Mario Kart Wii review later on, I am busy studying for finals and also playing the games. I have pretty much beaten The World Ends With You but, I still haven't found the time to write the review. Well, that is all.

Another new game!!!

I got Mario Kart Wii!!! After I am done playing both my new games, I will post reviews of my two new games after completation or partail completation of both. Well, I am off to go blue shell some unlucky loser!!!

I gots me The World Ends With You!!!!!!!

I got The World Ends With You like 30 minutes ago!!! If you look back at my blog you will see that I made a post about the game. So, if I am not on much it is because I am playing my new game!! Also, I found it at BestBuy so if you want, then I would check out a BestBuy near you!!!! Also, after I am done with the game I will post a review about it and more info about it on my blog!!!!!!!!!

Wow, am I busy!!!

You won't believe how busy I am!! This is mainly an apology to all of you who's unions I have joined and haven't posted, I am trying to find time, but it is getting hard when you have 53 members in it and it has only been around for about 5 days!!!! Again, I am sorry if I haven't posted a comment on your blog or union lately I am just busy and I am finding it hard to find time!