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Ninja_Rebel Blog

Why I wasn't on yesterday....

Well, my A.C. broke and so I had no cool air for the entire day and a repair man just came and fixed it. It sux when you have no cool air and it is very humid and 90 degrees outside. The stupid humidty makes it feel over 100. So, I had a misserable day yesterday and I could do was try to cool off.

Fine, I will play the tag game....

10 things you don't know about me and blah blah blah ( I did NOT tag anyone so if you were then it was not me, I don't want to continue this, I will just do teh facts and that is IT!!!)

1. This is my first time to be tagged by someone other than myself. :P

2. I had a 4.0 GPA but, I got my first B in Art with an 89%

3. I took the Duke TIP search and scored a 21 on the ACT (I took it about in 7th grade)

4. Science is my best subject

5. I can't draw to save my life

6. I am advanced in all my subjects

7. I have a cat

8. I made short :15 vids on my friend's phone called Bored chapter 1-4.

9. I am very random when I am bored (but that brings out my funny side :D)

10. (at least 2-4 people know this) I am 14 1/2....

so yeah, I am smart but, sometimes I hate being smart because everyone is always thinking that I am a nerd and crap when yeah I am smart but, that doesn't mean that I know everything. I have had bad expeirences with being smart, in 5th grade that is all that people wanted for me to partner with them because they only wanted to copy me and cheat so I always wanted to work alone which I why I don't enjoy working in groups unless it is my friends because I don't really trust them (I don't really feel that way any more). so, I could rant about this for awhile but, this is probably boring you so I will stop...

Such a busy past two days...

Well, I can FINALLY have some good time on teh computer, sorry for not responding to any of your messages or comment on your blogs or go to my unions. I have just been running around every where and haven't had much time to do things. I was angry when I saw that I was level 14 at 99.99% SINCE WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?!!! well, at least there is no way I can't get to level 15 now. lol.

You Will FAIL!!!

that is what my new icon/avatar thing says! I wanted an animated one and finally got resized after trying to find out how. I will be using it as it spreads my message.

Which fail to use?

I want a you fail avatar and these are the only ones that i could find. (I am away from GIMP so can't make one)

which one should I use?

Charters have been sent......

The ones who where sent charters were







please accept the invite to join I know three will I just one more of you to. :D

i'm back plus new union charters will be sent later today....

I'm back and the charter invites will be sent later today, I can't do it right now or look at union boards. The only thing I was able to do is resign as leader from Council of Gamers and make this blog post. I will post a post with the people being sent charter invites later today when teh are sent. So, be on look out and I hope to see you all in the union!