Bit off topic, but wow, cant believe that Castlevania apparently is a bit better on PS3. Waiting for a DF analysis for good measure. But if they dont mention the framerate hit on 360 or they dont think its a big deal and give it a tie or a 360 win, im going to call suspect on that because whenever the PS3 versions has a FPS hit, they give the win to 360. Do we know when 360 is gettinga castlevania demo?
They wont do it. I already put a message in this thread calling out DF, Lens of Truth and Eurogamer to do a comparison of Castlevania between PS3 and 360. I want them to state that the 360 version has framerate drops just like GS and IGN reviews mentioned. Then they should act like the 360 version is an unplayable piece of turd.
Instead they will wait on a patch that fixes these issues. Or act like Castlevania does not exist.
Every time a PS3 multiplat is better they do no analysis but they love to report how many times 360 multiplats are much better.
P.S. Demo is out on both systems and I am sure they have the final copy.
Where is the big difference? Both look the same and the graphics are crappy but that is a given to to the number of AI.
Serious Eurogamer and Digital Foundry made it sound like the PS3 version was unplayable like it should of gotten a 6.5 and the 360 version the 8.5. I can bet you these two sites wont do comparsions of the new Castlevania game because PS3 version is superior.
I would not be surprised if Ghost of Sparta outscores it in majority of gaming review sites.
I'm a huge God of War fan but that isn't really fair. Handhelds have lower standards. Not to mention I don't know what to expect from the review. I still can't believe Chains of Olympus only got an 8.5. Best PSP game ever!
Well GOW Collection and GOW 3 have some good scores and the first 2 games are really old but they can hold their own against many games this gen.
I will enjoy Castlevania just like I enjoyed Dante's Inferno.
I disagree, I found the Syphon Filter PSP titles to be the best ones.
Gamespot just called about the pre order i had being postponed. Thats the second game I pre-ordered for this month thats been delayed. Two Worlds 2 was the first.Diablo-B
Why are you even tying to buy Elite? That game is a disgrace to basketball games.
All of these Assassin's Creed games look the same as each other, they really don't interest me anymore but the gameplay does look decent I suppose.
That's such BS. They're adding multiplayer. Actual interesting, distinct looking such. In single player you're now managing a group of dudes, leveling them up, getting them new weapons and armor, giving them orders in combat, sending them away for contracts. That seems like a pretty huge addition. For a one year development cycle it's damned impressive the amount of stuff they're cramming into it. Which is why I'm still moderately apprehensive. Games being developed impressively fast is rarely a good thing.
Not to mention guns, cannons, Ezio's crossbow. From the looks of it some enemies will carry guns this time around.
Also this screenie shows there will be gunship battles:
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