*Bret Hart's music hits and he comes out to the top of the ramp with Jim Neidhart*
*Bret Hart then clotheslines Jeff Jarrett and starts to beat on him with his right hand while Jarrett is down.
Bret: Jim, finish him.
*Hart gets to his feet and Neidhart gets Jarrett to his feet....Neidhart grabs him..SAMBO SUPLEX!!!!*
Hart: I hate you, as for Jericho, you better shut up, I didn't like you in WCW and I could care about you now, you are a hypocritical obnoxious, ignoramus, overwhelmed, son of a b!*tch who is going to feel the wrath of Neidhart and I because we hate talkers. It's all about what goes on in that ring, I could care less what you have to say. I'm going to make you tap for your life to the Sharpshooter, tonight, expect to leave Smackdown in a wheelchair.
*Bret Hart's music hits and he exits through the HD set*
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