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NintendoWeasel Blog

Return, attempt #3?

Hey guys,

Apparently I still have 43 followers. I don't know if any of you all are still active, but if you are..shoot me a comment - even if it's just saying hi!

So what's new with me gaming-wise? I mainly play World of Warcraft and Hearthstone. Hearthstone more now since I've started classes at university. My DS has been woefully neglected..but I'm planning to change that tonight! I'm going to the game store and getting Super Smash Bros 3DS and Mario Kart 7. I personally think that MK7 is wicked sensory overload but I don't really have a choice since Mario Kart DS is too outdated for my wi-fi connection :( crazy, right? Maybe it's not as bad as I remember it being.

I still think that it's soooo stupid that 3DS games are region locked! I went out and got SSB and MK7 - like I had actually bought them..only to discover that they don't work on my DS cause they were PAL (where I live, most games are PAL). It was a pain in the butt. Most of my video games are NA/NTSC based, including my World of Warcraft account. Ooh I almost forgot to post my Wow stats:

My current level 100s are a destruction warlock and a frost death knight. I've got a level 86 shaman and a level 90 druid who I HATE. But anyway, I mainly play on my DK now since they nerfed warlocks so hard. I would get ragged on all the time in heroics and I was sick of it. Maybe I just suck, but I ditched her anyway.


So that's it from me. Will update soon xo

Return of NintendoWeasel and New Video Game Reviews!

Hey guys! So it's been almost two years! Whoa! What's happened since I last wrote? Let's see..I graduated from high school, moved to the United States and enrolled in college! Exciting! But that doesn't mean that I haven't kept up with gaming. I, of course being NintendoWeasel, acquired a 3DS. It's purple and pretty and I loove it! Something that gets on my nerves is that it's region locked. It seems like Nintendo is placing lots of restrictions on their newer consoles. I recently heard that the Wii U wasn't backwards compatible! Whaaat?

Anyway, I feel like an update and a few 3DS video game reviews are totally in order. I'm going to do it

NintendoWeasel 2010 style.

Coming soon to a gamespot blog near you!


It's been more than a year, you guys!! What can I say? Life happened, I guess. :?

I still have my trusty DS XL. I've barely had time to play, but when I did have time I'd mostly play Kingdom Hearts or Pokemon (my Pokemon Black team is absolutely terrible. I haven't made it past the league. Don't plan to, either. It's a pain in the butt to get there with a crappy team.)

Other games on other consoles that I have been playing are: New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii (LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOVE IT! I didn't play it on my own, I played it with my house mates and we got really really far and it's so much fun! Truly a wonderful game.) And the odd dabble in World of Warcraft here and there.

But I got graduation money from my family and am thinking of upgrading to a 3DS. They just aren't releasing any solid new games for the DS anymore. I'm still torn though. My XL still works perfectly and I feel guilty. Alas, new games are calling.

Oh, I also lost my Mario Kart game. It SUCKS cause that's pretty much the only game I've won! I might buy a new one if I don't get the 3DS. If I get the 3DS, Mario Kart 7 is definitely on the top of my list!

Are any of the old gamespotters still around? None of the comments on my old blog posts are showing up :(

UPDATE: Apparently they are selling region specific 3DS consoles?! I think that's absolutely ridiculous! I ended up not getting one. They only had Kingdom Hearts for PAL consoles and I was planning to get an NTSC one because I'm going to be in the USA for college. Blargh. Such a buzzkill. And they didn't have Kingdom Hearts recoded either! Grrrr!!! I got Mario Kart so I'll be playing that, and I think I'm going to restart Heartgold again or get back into Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days. Meh. I don't know.

Pokemon Black!

First off, happy belated new year my lovely Gamespotters! I feel terrible for not coming on here for so long :( It seems like school has completely taken over my life, and I haven't had time at all to do the things I love - including playing my DS.

I played Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days for a while and got pretty far..but couldn't be bothered to continue once I got stuck. I also played the odd WFC game on mario kart if I had the time.

Haha I love it when the participants all choose the same character :')

What else is new? Hmmm..oh I did my SAT and got a score of 1470..which isn't bad for someone who didn't study for it and who is appallingly bad at math :P .

Now the important part of this post....


YAY! I can't believe it's finally here! I've been waiting since September for this. It was quite an adventure getting my hands on this I can tell you. The first shop I tried - they said they were out of stock! And the games had just arrived in the country this evening - imagine! But they guy called their other branch (which is on the other side of town) and got them to reserve a copy for me. So I had to beg my mom to high tail it to the mall - and there were only a few copies left. I find it weird that they are selling the American version of the games here - they usually sell the European ones. Oh well, not a big difference anyway.

Speaking of DSes, a few months after I got my XL, new colors for the XL were released where I live. Boy was I annoyed. Not like I could help it though since my DS was a gift. Anyway, they sell these stickers at the megastore and I decided to get one since they were pretty cheap and I was feeling pretty crappy about the new color range.




I eventually ended up removing the stickers cause despite the assurance on the packet that there would be no sticky residue there was -__- plus I kept getting paper cuts :P

Oh I forgot to talk about my team for Pokemon Black so far :P I have the Oshawatt or whatever (I had to look it up, I know him as Mijumaru or however you spell it thus I named him Miju in-game) and the Lillipup, purrloin, and pansear. We're about to beat the first gym leader.

Which version did you get and why? I personally got Black cause Reshiram looks amazing and the other one looks like a Digimon :P But from what I've lurked it seems like most of you have gotten White!

What does your team look like so far, and any tips to make mine better? :D

Take care everyone, I'll try to be on more if I can, but if not I'll see you during spring break! :)

Wow, it's been a while!

Hey people! It's been a LOOONG time since I've been on gamespot. I don't know if I told you guys, but I was home schooled for freshman and sophomore year, and for the beginning of junior year. Buuut I decided to go back to mainstream school in October, so that's taken up a LOT of my time! And things are still really really hectic and busy so I doubt I'll be on very much, if at all.

Gameswise, I got bored with Pokemon I guess, and the other day I FINALLY saw Kingdom Hearts for the DS in the game store! It's really weird, they've never had it in stock, and 358/2 days isn't exactly a new game. Anyway, long story short, I bought it and I *WAS* loving it immensely until.....



Seriously, I'm fine with staying out of his red zone, it's just when he ALWAYS TURNS AROUND AND SEES ME. UGH. :(

Well, that's all I've got to say gaming-wise :lol: except for I CAN'T WAIT TILL POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE COMES OUT!! and DEATHLY HALLOWS IS OUT THIS WEEK!

Since I won't be on for a while at least, please do leave a comment telling me how you are/your favorite ice cream flavor/what game you're playing/have ya missed me?

Hope everyone is well and bye for now :D

Funny Names

Hey everyone.

I was just wondering if anyone else did this - name their pokemon silly names.

Here are the names I've called my pokemon that I can remember off the top of my head:

  1. Big Mac the Snorlax
  2. Derp the Rosealia
  3. TROLOLOL the Machop
  4. Dudette the (female) Geodude
  5. Minnie the Rattata
  6. Santa the Snover
  7. Polly the Poliwhirl
  8. Achu the the SNEEZEl (sneasel :P )
  9. Donny the Donphan
  10. Prozac the Bibarel (lol just google bibarels and you'll understand why I called mine Prozac)
  11. Shorty the Girafarig

Feel free to share your amusing names :D .

As for gaming, I've mainly been playing Pokemon Diamond and HeartGold and the Brain Training game (that I switched back to English, haha). I restarted my HeartGold game cause I was getting really annoyed with the puzzle in the Icicle gym. I moved all of my good pokemon to my Diamond game, and I started with a Cynaquil or however you spell it.

Well, that's all. Hope everyone is well!


Hey everyone. I've been having a difficult day today - lots of things have been going wrong. This picture always cheers me up though, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

I hope it cheers you up too :) .

I've gotten my 6th badge on Pokemon Diamond - Byron was surprisingly easy, and with the help of a walkthrough here on Gamespot, I was able to navigate the gym puzzle. I'm up to about 101 pokemon on my Pokedex.

Other than Pokemon, I've only been playing one other game - that Brain Training game that came with my DSi XL :lol: . Except I play it in German :? cause I failed it last semester so I want to improve it. I only understand a few words in the game but I'll get there haha.

Well, that's all I've got for today. Hopefully if I'm not too busy, I'll be writing a review for Guitar Hero or Pokemon Diamond.

Oh and about the title of this post - Gamespot told me I couldn't name my blog post "Remus" cause I already had a post with that name. I was listening to Spoonman while writing this so that became the title :lol: . It's an awesome song, check it out if you haven't already.

Pokemon, Guitar Hero & Questions

Is Reshiram the version mascot of Pokemon Black, or White? Also, will your pokemon walk behind your character, like in HG/SS? I hope they do.

I really can't wait until it comes out!! *tears out hair* :lol: In the meantime, I'm playing Pokemon Diamond, and am training my Pokemon for the Hearthome gym. Fantina sure is tough. She only has 3 pokemon, but they're all pretty tough. Their only weaknesses are against Dark, Ghost and Electric types if I'm not mistaken. So I've been training my Murkrow, my Luxio and my Haunter, as they're still pretty low compared to the pokemon in the gym. Speaking of which, my pokedex is a LOT better than my pokedex in Pokemon HG! I'm up to around 60ish Pokemon and I haven't even gotten all of my badges yet. I have all of my badges in HG but I still only have around 74 in my Pokedex.

I'm also playing Guitar Hero 5 on my brother's playstation. I'm starting all over again cause my brother took his PS3 for reformatting and everything got erased. But it's no big deal, since I didn't get very far in the career mode. I personally prefer Guitar Hero World Tour's career mode to Guitar hero 5's. I feel like the former was more put together and a lot neater. I feel like not a lot of thought was put into GH5's career mode. Maybe if I get bored with GH5, I'll start trying to beat the career mode on World Tour, on medium. :P That's right, I play on easy cause I have really tiny hands and it's hard for me to reach the darn blue button, never mind the orange one :lol: !

Anyway, which Pokemon version are you planning on getting? Black, or White? As for me, I'm wherever Reshiram is at. :P

Also, do any of you play Guitar Hero? Which one is your favorite, and which level do you play at? :)

Awesome Candy!

Hey guys, I know I know, I keep apologizing for not posting more with every blog post :lol:.

I'm super busy with school, but I do try to log into gamespot everyday. Anyway, I was at the mall the other day when I saw this in a candy store. I yelled, "BROTHER'SNAME!! SISTER'SNAME!! LOOOOOK!"

So cool, right?!? I bought it right away. I don't mean the macbook, in case you couldn't tell. I've had that for a while. :lol:

They're sooo good.

Aren't my pyjama pants awesome? ;)

Hope everyone's doing well.


Sorry I've been really inactive lately. Gamespot's really boring now for some reason. :? , and I've also been kind of busy doing nothing lol.

Gaming wise, I'm enjoying Pokemon Diamond, and am going to get my 4th badge today. To tell you the truth, I'm kind of annoyed by the puzzles at the gyms. But one thing I do enjoy are the minigames! They're almost as fun as the Pokeathelon in HeartGold. But I prefer the music from Diamond rather than HG.

My team is:

Klaus the Prinplup - Level 27

Fred the Alakazam - Level 29

Maleficent the Gastly - Level 24

Kim Deal the Luxio - Level 26

Ember the Ponyta - Level 32 (she's a little brat and won't obey me. Just by the way. Transferred here from my HG)

Mike the Togetic - Level 26 (also from my HeartGold.)

That's all I've got to report. I should play on the Wii more though :oops:

So I'll leave you with a couple of awesome Pokemon themed merchandise. Enjoy!

Everyone learned Fly! :lol:

and finally....

o_________o LOL

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