In chronological order! :D
Haha, I'm very image heavy aren't I? :oops:
The first handheld game console I ever owned was..The Game Boy Color!
Well, unless you don't count my Nanopets, Burger King freebies, and Polly Pocket :lol: . The only game I actually owned on this thing was Croc 2. Shut up, I was only 8 and I didn't really hang around with any hardcore gamers.
The first proper console I owned was the Nintendo 64. Again, the only game I owned on it was Pokemon Snap. I think I bought it to fit in with the crowd. I mostly went over to my cousin's houses and played on their consoles.
It did come in this very funky Jungle color though!
The next handheld game I purchased was of course, the Gameboy Advance. It was a boring summer and all of my friends and family had traveled and my sister and I were bored to tears. I owned quite a collection of games on this thing! I was addicted to it and never had enough batteries. Ahh the good old days.
I love the color. My sister owned a pink one and my brother had a white one (not see through though). I actually recently tried to play a game on this, and I just couldn't! I don't know how I ever survived without a LED backlight.
So onto the next console..The GameCube! :D
Yep, I owned the standard purple GC. Not see through this time :lol: . I spent quite a bit of time on this, specifically on Mario Kart, Scooby Doo (shut up), Mario Party, and Super Smash Bros. I still love this console so much! I had a really cool orange controller, but my cousin "borrowed" it and now claims that it's his and he never borrowed it from us. :evil:
A trip to Hong Kong just as the Nintendo DS came out found my sister and I with two DS's each, cheaper than the ones here :D and they are both still working fantastically. I have the black DS;
and my sister has the pink one, which I now hear is quite rare. I actually had a choice between pink, baby blue and this black one. I wish I chose the blue one now! Oh well. I still my ol' Phat DS! The first game I got on it was Scooby Doo (shut up, I don't know what's wrong with me either!) and my sister got that Nintendogs thing.
And now we have the Wii, which my cousins gave to us. It was in their apartment in Switzerland and was gathering dust during the rest of the year so they let us have it. I'm getting quite sick of uploading pictures so I'll just say that it's the standard white one.
You'll notice that these are all Nintendo consoles, well, I'm not called NintendoWeasel for nothing! :P We do have other consoles, but I don't consider them mine, they're mostly my brothers :). My brother did get a Gameboy Micro though, which I steal from him sometimes.
That's all folks! I need to start doing my English work now :( . Hope you're having a great day!
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