Hi there. :)
So here's the deal. I've been rushing AC games ever since I played through AC4: Black Flag on my PS4, which is also the first AC game I completed. After that I've finished all AC games, except for AC3, which I'm going to complete today (on memory 8 atm).
I feel like I've played them a little too much, but Unity is something I've been waiting for. Now though, for the negative reviews I'm getting mixed feelings. I've watched some streaming on Twitch and still cannot make up my mind. I really kind of want the game, but why does it get so bad reviews? What's the problems with the FPS? Help me out.
So, if AC: Unity does not really suit for me now, I have other options. One of them is COD: Advanced Warfare, BUT that game looks WAY too similar to Destiny, which I already have. Is it though?
And Shadow of Mordor... looks fun, but Unity kinda looks more fun.
Which game to get?
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