I know for sure that no Big Mario game is going to be announced, as 3D World just came out in Novemeber, and the studio behind it, and the Galaxy games need more time to craft something up. Retro has bigger development studio, so I'm sure they will have something to show, as I'm sure one half of the studio was finishing up on Donkey Kong Country: TF
@toshineon @Nintyfan95 Ones that don't attempt to mimmick real life. Everything in GTA is possible in the real world, other than spawning weapons, and vehicles via phone.
All personal opinon, but this is why I don't see a point with PS4/XBONE. I look at a game like Journey, it's creative, and filled with high productive value in presentation. If an experience like that is still possible on current generation systems then why is there point for these next gen systems, just so high named developers can make their games more violent, and erotic. The land scape for high demanded tech has changed as well, and our phones/tablets/laptops/desktops, heck even current gen consoles already provide Blu-Ray, and other streaming services.
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