@i-like-me I dare Sony to make a console more powerful than the next-gen Wii U. Then they can look forward to more loses. Or Sony can make there next generation plaform, realizing that graphics won't make there machine successful, price tag there next system at 299 much like there past platforms (PS1, and PS2), and look forward to an extremely successful platform right out the gate. (Not saying PS3 is a failed platform, but it's launch was bad.)
@n0matter Executives don't get it. Graphics don't change there platform, or make it revolutionary, it just makes it more expensive, and a high price tag is so unappealing.
Wii U could be truly successful, Nintendo understands that competing to be the one with the better graphics won't work, as it failed with GCN, and N64. That creating new experiences with new ways to play is an important factor at the end of the day. Nintendo has some great first party content like New Super Mario Bros. U, and Pikmin 3 as launch/launch window titles, some exclusive 3rd party games at launch, or launch window time. There launch is solid no disagrees, but with some time you'll see Super Mario 3D HD, Smash Bros 4, Retro's new project, mabey Mario & Luigi 4, and Nintendo even has new Intellectual Properties on the way. As far as 3rd party support I'm sure it will be better than any of there platforms before. Again Nintendo is focusing on launch for now.
I guarntee as Jack Tretton from Sony said "The Best is Yet to Come", I think that would be a perfect saying for Nintendo's upcoming home console.
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