Wellington, New Zealand. :) Been here a few years now.
That looks beutiful. I live in Charlotte North Carolina. Is it really true that there is more sheep than people in New Zealand? (not as in nintendo fanboy sheep) Haha yep, too many if you ask me.
Lately I've been getting back into strategy games, such as Rome : Total War, Supreme Commander and etc. Out of all those I mentioned, which one should I get ?
Well I mean c'mon guys, Nolan did an excellent job with the first two, I'm sure he can do well on this one as well. I have to admit the title sucks, but still, he made Scarecrow, Joker and etc seem real, not just some odd comic book characters, I'm sure he can do it with Bane as well. And Anne Hathaway is a good choice imo.
Looks like the Wii finally didn't get the worst version of the game if PSN is so bad they would consider taking their game off of it :D
It's not the version of the game that's to blame for the hackers here, it's Infinity Ward's fault for relying on the PS3's firmware itself to stop hackers. Which sort of backfired. :P
you still dont get it , its got nothing to do with the hackers...
Just realised my post didn't make sense eh. And just did a bit of research as well. Apologies.
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