"We think that it is incumbent upon Activision, with the most popular multiplayer game, to take the first step to address monetization of multiplayer," said Pachter. "It is too early to tell whether that will be a monthly subscription, tournament entry fees, microtransaction fees, or a combination of all three, but we expect to see the company take some action by year-end, when Call of Duty Black Ops launches."
Here's the article, I swear I will not be happy if I have to start paying to play games like Halo and COD online.
"You do realize things are not going to work out that great in the end for you, correct?" However, I try not communicate with demonic spirits as a general rule to live by. mindstorm
[QUOTE="ColonelDrakePS3"][QUOTE="IWKYB"] I'm not a republican. lol, just because I don't like what he has done makes me one either. wow you just spouted a bunch of nonsense, then again i don't know if that is how a republican would feel about that because I really wouldn't know...so do I ask one or do I just spout nonsense myself? No president will ever take my god given right to own a weapon.Pirate700
Again, you know NOTHING.. you do realize that Obama signed a bill that EMPOWERS gun rights, he signed a bill making it legal for gun owners to carry guns in national parks.. But i guess since it was a black president by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, facts dont matter to you right?:lol:How old are you?I thought the exact same thing. :lol:
[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]That guy is my hero. :D I agree with him 100%ColonelDrakePS3
You sir are a sheep. You republicans never cease to amaze me.. No matter how untrue something is you sheep republicans just praise at the alters of the likes of tea partiers and glen beck.. Nothing this old fool said was true, show me when Obama EVER went and said "America is no longer a christian nation" you republicans live in your own little fantasy world where you think the President of the United States is a musli, communist dicator that wants to ruin this country on purpose and creat a new world order and while hes at it he is going to take your guns and religon away. And its actually the total opposite but yet you wingnuts continue to live in your own little fantasy world You sir should stop jumping to conclusions and actually make your posts worth reading. :roll:
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