thanks alot to all , I am glad I aint get that ugly green cable from best buy. I am going to order an ethernet cable the brand ****** on Amazon .com , since I do alot of shopping there . ****** is ok , aint it?
thanks fellas. Hey I saw at best buy last night an ethernet cable made for the xbox 360 from the brand Pelican. It said it was 2 25 ft cables that connected togheter to make a 50 ft cable . Do you guys think this cable is a good idea?
I need to get a new ethernet cable of about 50 ft so I can run it from my router to my xbox 360 and play on xbox live with no lag. Are these cables all the same speed and should I get the cheapest one out there? Help me out guys.
I tested my connection speed and it said 1285.4 K so I guess thats good huh. One of you guys said that being far from your internet causes lagging. I am using about a 30 feet cord b/c I run it from my bedroom to out into my livingroom. I also grounded the cord down to the floor by using those 'things' like it has a nail with an arc , maybe that also is bad. Too many things that can be that I am starting to think it may noy be worth it.
thanks guys . I also thought it may be my modem/router that came with my DSL when I got it. My computer seems a bit slow althoug it is kind of old so who knows. Is there any ethernet cords that work better then others?
I decided to get online after my friend gave me his membership and an Ethernet cord . The cord happened to be missing that little clip piece so it was not secured when pluged into my xbox 360. My connection was very slow and had a few drops on the games I played NBA 2k7 and GOW. I talked to a few people online and they said that DSL was slow itself so that got me thinking if it was both things causing a slow connection. I want to know if you guys experience alot of lagging and connection problems with Verizon DSL. I plan on buying a new ethernet cord but only if I know that's the only problem with my connection. I have to run the cord through my apartment so I only want to go through this trouble if its worth it. Does it matter what ethernet cord I buy? Help me out guys . Thanks
mine freezes sometimes when watching dvds but games work fine.Can this be fixed at home? I cant call Microsoft because I bought it from a friend. Thanks
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