NoRemorse13's forum posts
[QUOTE="NoRemorse13"]You're the uninformed one. You basically just agreed with everything I said. People will tune into celebrity news because T.V. is saturated with it. Everywhere you look from reality T.V. shows to talk shows. And you wonder why many teens and adults dress, act, and eat like these people? When is the last time you heard a media outlet question the government? Almost never. When is the last time you heard about Paris Hilton making a sex tape? So yes, the media wants you to know what they will allow you to know.
As for your other point about getting more than one source, unfortunately, many people are too lazy to do this. This is whywe have presidential campaigns and presidential T.V. advertisements that explain why you should vote for this person or this person. Anyone that does research knows that Hillary, Huckabee, and Romney voted to raise takes in their respective state, however, they tell you that they didn't and people perceive it to be true. Romney was originally pro-choice and admitted it when he got caught. Back in 2003, John McCain was hated by many conservatives for questioning the strategy in Iraq and the president. Now he is considered the front-runner for the nomination after winning NH? It looks like people have forgotten about 2003. The point is that most people don't do their own research and they depend on T.V. to do it for them.
As for the abolishment for federal programs, programs that has helped this country run itself into debt to the point we are borrowing from China, eliminating them is the only way to curtail this problem. Put the education system back in the hands of the states and instead of funding inept programs like No Child Left Behind, which rewards teachers in suburban schools and punishes those in inner-city schools. The stock market took a triple digit plunge again. Why? Housing and credit market caused by the artificial inflation by the Federal Reserve? And their solution is to print more money and lower interest rates again. Again, research is key.
I didn't agree with you. :| And I believe I said they need to research themselves. Did you read my post?
"Big corporations own all the media outlets in the U.S. CBS is owned by Viacom, ABC by Disney, NBC by GE, Fox by Media Corp." Noremorse13
"Of course media outlets are owned by the rich. You don't think someone with out money could buy one?" You
"You think that these news outlets would cover it but we insteadhear about Jamie Lynn Spears's pregnacy, Miley Cyrus concert ticket fiasco, and that lion attack in that zoo." NoRemorse13
"but it the people are more concerned with celebrity lives than that is what they will tune in to watch." You
Did you read your Post?
[QUOTE="NoRemorse13"]What's the point of staying in all of those organizations is it serves no cause? Just because it sounds cool?
You're still avoiding the question. Someone said Ron Paul is an isolationist. You said he wasn't. I suggested his foreign policy smells strongly of isolationism. You then changed subjects by trying to rationalize the aforementioned policies without discussing them in the context of the original question: is Ron Paul an isolationist?
I DID answer your question, maybe not directly, but in a different response. I said that Paul wants the U.S. to trade and get along with different countries, esp. our enemies. Isolationism, as refered to not getting a given military envolved in other countries problems, perhaps exchanging goods and services with our allies. You bought up NATO, UN and all those other organizations. I was aking why do you feel that those organizations serves a purpose? Please?
Zeitgeist is A BUNCH OF GARBAGE, ON ALL THREE PARTS. Their sources are people who have been exposed as liars and frauds, they have ABSOLUTELY no evidence for ANY of their claims, except for the stuff they make up, and it is nothing more than conspiracy nut propoganda.
Seriously, the fact that people believe any of this crock of bull**** pisses me off. What are schools for?!
Here's a question, why do you believe if it's "garbage?" I can undertand the first two parts.
[QUOTE="NoRemorse13"]Can you name the good thingsthat the U.N, NATO,NAFTA and WTO have done for us? And I'm afraid no fence is going to keep illiegal immigrants out, esp. when corporations use them to lower the amont of moneythey have to pay for services. No one wants that to stop.
What does any of that have to do with determining whether or not Mr. Paul is an isolationist?
What's the point of staying in all of those organizations is it serves no cause? Just because it sounds cool?
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