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Nobarai Blog

Well well well....

Well I have not been on since late march. Hooray for consistency. Anyways, I've been vacationing at my dad's house for the month of July, and I'll be heading back home the first of August. It hasn't been the best month either. I miss my computer, and all I've had to work with is a crappy ol computer with Ubuntu jimmy-rigged on it. Uggggghhhhh...... Anyways, I'm finally 15 1/2, so once I get home, I'll be able to get my drivers permit, finally.

Excitebots is fun as hell, And I really recommend people to get it that like chaotic action.

Don't expect me to be on too much and stuff. I've got 50 hours of driving time to do.


P.S. 119 messages!

Partial System Restore

I wonder how great my Spring Break will be, starting off with having to do a partial System restore on the computer my parents gave me. XD

For some odd reason, Windows Installer would NOT work for any reason. I tried everything to get it to work, but to no avail. I lost all my precious (PRECIOUS) bookmarks in FireFox (For some idiotic reason, I thought they'd carry over), and re-install the metric-ton of crap (not time consuming, just repetitive).

Oh well. At least I have a computer to my lone-some now.

I installed the update for the Wii, and that brings up another problem.... I HAVE TOO MANY GAMES, now I need to buy more SD cards! :P.... Sheesh.

Checklist for computer:

Sys Restore (done)

Play more games.

Install Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZX sound chip (IT'S FUN! :D)

More RAM (ehh...)

Flat screen monitor (CRT seems to be losing its luster, and screen quality)

My fingers hurt...

I went out and forked over the 190 bucks for Guitar Hero World Tour for my Wii.

Totally worth it, but I regret skipping breakfast to get through the career mode.

And I suck at the drums....


Since my last blog about this was a while ago, and I've gotten a few friends since then, and the problem's cropping up again, so I guess I'm gonna need to mention it again.


That is all.

Another quick post

I got a little bit of extra cash, so I went out and got StarFox Command for the DS. I've played a bit, and the game is way fun, but button controls would've been much better. Wi-Fi seems like an awesome idea!

I've taken a break from Soldier Front, and trying out Operation 7. Just fib your age (I did :P) My in-game name's the same as my GS name.

Quick Post Tiem!

After unlodging my parent's old Windows 2000 computer. I noticed the WIndows 2000 OS was bricked on it. So I installed Ubuntu, learned that the Wi-Fi plug that they bought for me to use it was incompatible, so I had to use some crazy program called "NDISwrapper" to use the windows driver. So here I am, after a day of re-dos, mess-ups, and overall frustration with a OS I had never used before.....I miss my Windows XP at home...

Anyways, I won't be flying back home until the 2nd, and even then, I'll be hangin' at a hotel with my mom and her boyfriend, checking out some museums, so I won't be on a computer until about the 4th.

Thebest things I got for Christmas was Mario Party DS, Call of Duty: World at War (DS version), and a three year subscription to Car & Driver.

Happy new years to all, and I hope that you guys have a great 2009!


Early Christmas!

Because I'm leaving for California (I won't be on my 'puter), my parents decided to let our christmas be a little early, and BOY it was an awesome christmas!

To make a long story short, my mom went out and bought me a limited edition red DS Lite with the Mario emblem on the front! It came with New Super Mario Brothers, and my mom bought me Mario Kart DS!

Pure, un-adulterated awesomeness!

I also got a hat with a red mushroom that says "Know your roots", and the Nintendo emblem on the back.

A home made Long Sleeve shirt with a picture that says "Stupid Ricer, useless wings are for penguins". (My mom knows the interwebs)

A speedloader clip for my Airsoft pistol, along with 2,000 see-in-the-dark rounds.

Lots o' chocolate.

The Darwin Awards book series (you won't believe how these people kill themselves!)

Some deep thought books.

The World's dumbest criminals book.

No More Heroes and Samba De Amigo.

And that's it!

I still have to unwrap gifts in California, and some other friend's houses, so the full post will be soon.


P.S. If you want to race me in Mario Kart DS, leave a comment with your friend code.

My first year anniversary!

Can you believe that this whiny little nerd has been here for about a year?

Probably the biggest thing for me would be getting my Wii, I had wanted it for a year before getting it. :P

Anyone noticed that I've had the same SMK banner and avatar for the same year? Yeeeeeaaaaaah... It's not gonna change for the new year, so don't get your hopes up..

I'll try to be posting on the forums a bit more often. I haven't really made an appearance for a while.

And that's it! For the people that have just been reading my blog, you have NOT missed anything. :P

Here's to a decent year of gaming, and another year after this!


It's a wierd, wierd world.

As a quick post, I've got Spore, and World of Goo.

World of Goo is wierd and addictive, and Spore is crazy, and fun.

I don't see myself getting any sleep for the next couple of days XD

And to anyone that cares at ALL, I'll be gone from Dec. 18- Dec.26-31st. I'll be down in California, visiting my Father for Christmas.


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