I think he means anyone with hope in this board gets shot down, and to those who still have hope shoud keep dreaming, because better days will come...LedRoseShredderWell if that's the case, I've seen plenty of topics made by people including myself, have been comforted with helpful and friendly posts. Whereas I've barely ever seen a topic get shot down unless the topic was dumb or irrelevent or easily solved or a dumb copy of the same topic posted weeks ago (really! Waht's with all the conduit topics? Many of them are retarded! *points at sig*) Get better acquanted with english, and people will help and agree with you more thatn you think.
Nobarai's forum posts
My Wii is completely packed. I'm tired of re-downloading games and swapping to my SD card. It's annoying.
Wish they'd just come out with an External Hard drive that allows you toplay VC/WW games from it.
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