Is it just me or does Capcom make the best video game characters around ?? I mean Chris from Resident Evil and Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2 are beasts that would knock most other video game chartacters out. They dresscool and have awesome hair ( Nathan Drakes hair from Uncharted 2 is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a video game not to mention his half tuck )
Great you may aswell seek out more games in the best genre around. I would rather kill things than put plates on a table or ride a weird animal around like the ps3 exclusives
I lold my ass off at all of you giving out when half of you guys are weaboos and play as girl/men emos in the persona and final fantasy series honestly if a character turns you off a game you really are sad. I just hope the gamepalystays the same and from the look of that trailer it does
This pwns all of killzone 2 soundtrack and your in a tank and all the covenant defences trying to keep you out. Not to mention about 10 wraiths loads of ghosts and banshees flying around its just too epic for life itself and then 2 SCARABS !!!
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