Wtf! :O This got me exighted that i almost came, whu that was close! awsome details, fighting, graphics.. I love the teleporting thing and when team member comes in and saves u from a fatal attack. The last stuff on the vid when Noctis hides from behemut! EPIC! There will be no DLC that i wount buy for this game!
Im actually stoked about how they will manage with summoning. Will it take a while before you can summon n when it starts, the time will stop while u check the summon vid OR maby will there be a split screen the GF/Edolion getting ready to attack while u fighting the enemy and prepearing to combo it or what.
Same thing goes for Limit breaks/finishing moves. Will there be many or few? Id love to se at least 10 different ones for each character like FF7. Im guessing its gona be hard getting that done perfect y seeing as you already get to do combos with diferent weapons in your arsenal. I could come up with some good ideas but SE got prolly better minds so ill leave it to em n stay patient til it comes out.
@Jamoid @Noctis1 @bgranli They should ban the american voices and just stick with the japanese ones with subs. *** voices are cheaper to hire and they are usually famous for doing anime voice acting. While american voices, they just hire some and put em near the mike n tell em to read whats on the paper. Thats how it feels to me.
@MkNYRx @SchnabbleTab u know that the director said that you will be able to go anywhere in the world? and to get to another place u will need to take the chocobo cause the distance is huge. Did i mention u can fly an airshp around the world, Im thinking that the world is fkin huge.
@Jamoid @bgranli Am I wierd if i said Zidane was a great main C also? I liked the bandit atitude, sulking on a bar over a hot chick who became the queen. Yeah lets go play cards in the card-colloseum to forget about the bch.
All im missing now is to see towns, summons, a Colloseum "please let there be an battle arena". I cant wait flying an airship around that big city!!! Fly n jump out of the airship? throw sword on a human to teleport? no? maby to mutch
@lethal41 Check the ff versus 13 vids where they show some combat n gameplay if u havent already, looks awsome. Will look even better now that they have shading n its on a new gen which u see on this vid. More to come in few days.
@freedom01 @Noctis1 @Jamoid Yeah a huge disapointment it was. I had to high expectations cause of the name. If it had another name id prolly like XIII more.
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