I am hoping for Kingdom Hearts 3, but then again I've learned not to get my hopes up .-.
NoirLamia's forum posts
Nothing personal or offensive, but why Fang? She dies twice as fast as Snow when she is sentinel stance. I was thinking Light/Hope/Van for Com/Heal/Syn but I will give that strategy a try. Thanks in advance!
I seriously don't know, haha. I guess I've just gotten used to Fang.
Awesome! This will give me a chance to pick up Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. Already got Uncharted 2 and Dragon Age. They have been releasing very accurate Greatest Hits lately :)
I thought the same thing, but then looked at amazon and the game is ONLY 34.99 so 29.99 really is not much different.
Oh I guess you're right, oh well at least it's getting recognized as a great game :)
Awesome! This will give me a chance to pick up Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. Already got Uncharted 2 and Dragon Age. They have been releasing very accurate Greatest Hits lately :)
My main party that I used from Chapter 9 until the end of the game was Vanille/Fang/Hope. I have my main paradigm set as MED/SEN/SYN. I wait until Hope buffs all my party members than I switch to Combat Clinic MED/SEN/MED if I need to then switch to SAB/SAB/MED and debuff the enemy. Once that all done I heal if I have to then switch to RAV/COM/RAV to inflict a pretty good dent on his chain gauge. When it's around half-way I then switch to RAV/RAV/RAV to spike it up pretty quickly. Once the enemy is staggered it should be pretty easy, just repeat if you need to.
Yes you will have another chance to go back and farm at Pulse, however I would suggest grinding a good amount before you proceed as the first form of the last boss is pretty tough.
I am Otacon from Metal Gear Solid 4 :)
I love FPS games don't get me wrong, we have just been getting so many lately that I've been getting bored with them. March was a great month though because we had FFXIII and GOW3 mixed in there to keep it somewhat balanced haha.
I think though that if FPS games are on the decline it's because they are so popular that developers are like "Hey everyone is buying up FPS games, let's start making them too!" and they rush a project because the genre is selling like hot cakes right now - due to how well MW2 and BC2 sold.
Final Fantasy 9 (Which I hear is in the works, yay)
Chrono Cross
Megaman Legends
Star Oceans
Legend of Dragoon
Vagrant Story
Mine would be:
1. Uncharted 2
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Bioshock 2
Honorable Mention:
Dead Space
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