NonRock's forum posts
You should wait 4 the 160 GB version or just buy the 80 GB(if it's out). I got only the 40GB version...
Games to get:GTA4,MGS4,DMC4 (every thing that end with 4, like Street Fighter 4), Uncharted, Resistance, Burnout and plenty more(there are a lot of games... find some games that you like)
Online is very good and you don't need a head set... PSN!!!
Playing with 8 players is going to be stupid if this happens:
Seven players(your one of them) join somebody or they join to you to play 8 plyr. co-op. Then the 8. one joins...
The level beginns, every thing is fun but then the 8. plyr. starts doing some stupid things. Uses all of his ammo, stars throwing granates at other plyrs. or does nothing. (it doesn't have to be the 8. plyr., lol)
I hope you can bann guys (or girls...) like that from the game! Maybe that doesn't even happen...
Little Big Planet-want it so bad!!!
Burnout Paradise -have
Metal Gear Solid 4(MGS 4)- have
Asassin's Creed -want
Ninja Gaiden Sigma -want
Disgaea 3-want
Street Fighter IV -want
Resistance: Fall of Man-want
The Orange Box-want
Resistance 2-want
Fallout 3-want
Mirrors Edge -want
Dead Space -want
Devil May Cry 4( DMC 4 )-have
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune-have
Ratchet & Clank Future:Tools of Destruction-have
Guitar Hero 3:Legends of Rock-have
Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4)-have
Final Fantasy XIII-want
Final Fantasy XIII Versus-want
Resident Evil 5-want
God of War III(GoW3)-want
Killzone 2- want
These are some games that I have and that I want. The number of that I want is clearly bigger... So what do you think?
Wait a minute...there isn't any online muti-player in this game right? I don't like reaching level 9999 cause then you can't go past that. I usually transmigrate before I reach level 3000.ZidaneskiI think that there is online multy player Transmigrate them at lv 9998 :P
I could easily beat you to Lv. 9999 i just don't wanna! Places to go people to see you know how it is, or do you?daftdogActually I do have a personal life and a great part of it is to not insult others. Thats why I have friends:D ON topic : Hey I'm wont have a other game 4 the next two months, just might keep playing it until I reach lv 9999
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