@Sevenizz This is not your typical turn based RPG, it plays like the 'Tales of' game series, which are not turn based games. And anyway turn based games will never die because there are people who enjoy them, they are not inherently bad. Just like some people don't like action combat, everything is not for everyone.
@-Unreal- @Dogborn That's somewhat insulting, not everyone in the US is an idiot. People view things with a bias from a narrow outside perspective, you're only judging the certain people from the US that you see, but never judge or say anything when someone isn't saying something simple and unintelligent.
Are you going to tell me that everyone in your entire country is well mannered and intelligent? Considering I've been to other countries and have seen the EXACT same behavior as in the US, it's not a country specific thing to be ignorant and speak without thinking.
@Keaze_ This is actually a newer/better looking engine than they used for Yakuza 3, 4 and Dead Souls. I've downloaded the demo from the JP store and this does not look like a game from 06, at all.
@darksoul1968 @blangenakker @jurdy_killerX Considering every game isn't meant for every type of player I don't know what exactly the point of you being here is? You don't like the series, lots of people do. Get over it.
@Supremesquirtle It's not easy to put 2D with 3D? It's slapped on the screen, not incorporated into the actual polygonal game world. It's only natural people voice their opinions on a game that catches their eye, this site isn't for pure praise of games, if people like what they see, they're going to voice it, just the same when people see something they don't like. The game speaks for itself in its presentation, which isn't very polished.
@Supremesquirtle Well I think the thing that is striking people the wrong way is the 2D character models in a 3D world and it looks "fake" due to the lack of frames the character has when turning, walking and just about everything else. Why is there a lack of character animation, it looks bad when it could have been very fluid, it strikes me as lazy. Valkyrie Chronicles has actual character models and Ni No Kuni looks beautifully done as well with its anime look.
But I get it, it's a niche title, just not one many people will be adopting. Which is a shame because it's certainly an interesting idea, too bad they didn't put more work/resources into the game.
@GoldenEye2010 @jellyman68 @amaneuvering (This is to whoever it applies to.)
What the hell? 8.5 is a great score. Do you HONESTLY expect EVERY game to come out that YOU are interested in to get a 9+ in score? 8.5 means, go out and buy it if you're interested because it's a GREAT game. 9+ means it went above and BEYOND(!) to deserve that score. 'One' of the very best action adventure of recent years, not THE best.
How much fun you will have with ANY game REGARDLESS of score depends on your own personal taste. There are plenty of 9+ games I haven't played because I'm not into their style and plenty under a 9 that I adore.
What is up with people depreciating higher scores, is it because it's not the perfect score to a game you hold so near and dear? Any game can be a 9 to you if YOU think it is, jeez.
Nophoria88's comments