NordicBeast's forum posts
Chef used a white racial slur many times on that show... and no one saw this coming?Ranger_x8bSeriously though, who ever gets offended by white racial slurs?
Here's a post I made on another board:Good post. Who is anyone to say that two people of the same sex can't marry? Just because we think it's 'gross'?
I'm all for equal rights for everyone but I'm also for everyone being heard and respected.
Religious people don't want gay marriage because marriage is between one man and one woman. Not one man and twenty women and not two women...just one and one. I understand that to them marriage is a bond presented before god and if ANYONE could get married then in their minds it would weaken the bond they have presented before god.
G@y people get no rights should they choose to spend their life with someone. If their partner is injured they aren't considered family and therefore aren't allowed to visit them in a hospital in all situations. There are a number of issues but I'm not familiar with them all because I don't have to deal with the prejudice. Basically it's difficult a g@y couple to raise a family without being discriminated against.
So I think the word marriage should be thrown out entirely. Civil unions are the way to go. As long as it ensures the rights of marriage but you take god out of the equation because homosexuality is just so blasphemous. Married people still have a sacred bond that only greed and lust can hinder (I'm trying to be sarcastic about the "sacred" bond some married couples have...) and gay people have their rights. A situation where everyone wins.
What I REALLY don't approve of is the fact that the insecurity and biggotry of the people of this nation has literally brought Bush and all of his evil into supreme power. By putting gay marriage on a voting ballot, it caused a huge demographic of people to vote who normally wouldn't vote. Sorry if I step on toes with this next statement but because I'm saying it I assume you're ALL smarter than the people I'm going to mention. People who are so incredibly dirt stupid and ignorant they literally let their prejudice decide their fate. They are the ones who come out and vote because of legislation like this. They are voting to "show those **gs who's boss." (The one person I know that voted for the ban of gay marriage is so dumb he voted against the ban and thought he was voting for it...and he said what I have there in quotes.) These people who are so easily deceived into voting for republicans don't realize they are also voting away their welfare and wages. All they see is the pretty packaging and they don't look inside. They hear tax cuts and they don't realize that the 100 dollars they see from it is coming out of their food stamps and Medicaid and what not.
I think that it is truly despicable that the course of history has been altered because of the prejudice we have against gay people. This president wouldn't be in power if he hadn't (well if Karl Rove hadn't...) manipulated the people on their most primal levels...fear tactics.
Basically I don't care if you have a problem with gay people because you're the one who has to carry that hate and nastiness inside everywhere. I also don't care if you are gay who you love is no business of mine. I think everyone needs to respect each other regardless of whether or not they agree. Maybe if the religious right didn't spend so much time defining gay people and telling everyone how different they are, it wouldn't be such a problem. This country is so divided in every way, at the first mention of the words gay and marriage it stirs up so much emotion in everyone. Just remember that each and every one of us is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from everybody else in the world. Differences are a fact of life.
Homosexuality isn't a's just part of what makes some people who they are. If god really gives two ****s about people being gay where does it say in the bible that homosexuality is the worst sin and the only sin that won't be forgiven? We all sin...
It's good to see that people are being drawn to difficult games again. Current gen titles, that 'everybody has to be able to see the ending of, since they paid for it', have gamers gone soft.
IGN is crazy though to call Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts the most difficult game ever created. I've completed this one and there are several old school space shooters in which I can't make it past the third level.
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