A very small tip is much more insulting because it shows you put thought into doing it. If you leave no tip at all at least there is the possibility you just 'forgot'.
I don't ever pay for or want to pay for "movie channels" on TV, but I like going to see films in theater sometimes if I'm excited about the film or want a nice date night with my wife, and I like to buy DVDs after they are $13 or less. We rent from Redbox sometimes, and we have been Netflix subscribers before (thought not this very moment). Sometimes I record films off TV on DVR to watch later to skip the commercials. So we are varied.
I depends. Bad graphics can ruin a game if it hinders gameplay with massive glitches, slowdown, unreadable text, or unidentifiable objects, or headache inducing mess. Whether a game is 'state of the art' or not though doesn't matter to me. The gameplay is most important.
Yes, I think there is a place for both the originals and remakes when done correctly. Some remakes I've loved: Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen Halo (HD version) Various arcade remakes and revisions Zelda OoT 3D Super Mario All-Stars (SNES) The GBA remakes of Mario World and Yoshi's Island What would I like to see remade? I'd currently like to see Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire revisioned.
YES. I'd be very bothered. I like the time to think about each turn, and I love the pace because you can take each turn to use your imagination as well as whats on screen as to what's happening each turn. Isn't that the point of an RPG anyway? To role play and enjoy the story just as much as pushing the right buttons at the right time..
A full story, 3D Pokemon adventure on handheld. We have the technology now, I at least want to see that 3D and true 3D put to better use than Pokedex 3D. Also, Pokemon related again: I've always wanted to see a Pokemon adventure that had ALL of the regions from the previous games.
Two things, IMO: 1) I don't think the biggest reason is the VIOLENCE behind rape that got so much attention but rather the focus on content of a sexual nature, in such a graphic sense as a main feature. When it comes to sex much of the world is very prude; violence? Not so much. Violence involving sex? That's still sex, and people will rant about it having sexual content to that extent no matter what else. 2) Rape often hits a nerve with people because of the touchy subject nature of it. It's common sadly, and usually very mentally damaging. Many people repress it too and when the subject is brought up they can be very vocal about it but may not bring up their own personal experience as to one of the reasons behind why they have such an issue with seeing it in fiction. People get very hurt by it, and rape is a real and serious problem. So when it is done for humor, or entertainment in fiction/media prepare for nerves to be struck with little explanation as to why.
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