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NukkinPhuts Blog

Playstation Move

Have to say I am really enjoying Sports Champions. My favourite sports are bocce and disc golf. I love how it tracks your movement haven't had any issues with it so far. Unless you count the fact that my arms are aching from playing it too much!

Also having got the free update to eyepet to enable move, that game is now playable. I had a hard time before move with actually getting the pet to do what i wanted with the old card you used for games. Bathing, playing and really every thing you have to do in the game is much easier with the move controller.

Finally my favourite iphone game flight control works fantastically with the move controller. I thought with having a cursor on screen it would be really awkward to play but they have done a great job bringing it to the move.

Really happy with my purchase so far!

First Platinum Trophy

I finally got around to gathering up all the blast shards and finishing off the stunts in infamous and got my first platinum trophy today! I am not far off the burnout paradise one either but don't know if I will push as hard as I did on infamous. I spent so much time looking for the blue dots that signify shards that I thought I would go mad at one point.

Lego Batman & Little Big Planet

Really enjoyed Lego Batman, my favourite lego game so far just because of the varied characters you get to play. I needed something light and fun after playing through inFamous intensely. I am trying to get as many achievements as possible in it before I move on to other things.

Had my first go of LBP the other day (yeah I know I am a bit late to the party on this one). I had always liked the look of it but wasn't sure that I would like it enough to buy it. I got to try a family members copy who is staying with me at the moment and really loved it. Loved it enough that I have requested it for my birthday.I have to finish off batman achievements, complete inFamous (I am playing through on hard and got stuck on the final boss), then not sure what I am going to play.

The choices are

1 Killzone 2......still haven't played this yet even though I bought the PS3 for Killzone 2!

2 Tales of Vesperia

3 Resistance Fall of Man

4 Assassins Creed...still haven't even started this yet

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of destruction

Decisions, decisions.

Resident Eeevil & Broken Steel

Really enjoyed RE5, don't know if I would have enjoyed it as much if I didn't play through the whole thing Co-Op with a friend. Really not into managing two people so was happy to have a real person to play through it with. Didn't have quite the impact that RE4 did for me personally but still a solid game.Really over quick time events though, since when was it a crime to sit back, relax and watch a cut scene instead of having to be alert for button presses.Mercenariesis pretty fun and a good way to get the points needed to get the bonus items. Haven't played online with strangers but then I never feel any kind of need to, much more fun with people you know.Also playing through broken steel and loving it, Fallout 3 is such a quality game, I have sunk 100+ hours into that game and still love playing it. It is great to be able to level up again and get some of the perks I had to miss out on, also some pretty good new perks are available.

Story Mode Completed

I finished the storyline in GTA IV and really enjoyed it although I thought there were too many chase missions or missions that involved chases in some way. That wouldn't be so bad in itself if you could just kill the person you were chasing if you get close enough. But you have to wait til the right moment which is set by the game. It seems ridiculous that you could be right behind someone and shoot them heaps but it won't affect them until the time in the chase they want you to kill that person. Also had quite a few graphical glitches where walls or floors sometimes disappeared and buildings and environments would pop in once I got closer to them. I also had one time where the game crashed mid mission which was very frustrating. Really enjoyed it and I am very happy that I finally finished a GTA, it is probably the first GTA where I have not messed around as much and gone hard at the missions.

Now all I have to decide is do I want to go on to Burnout Paradise or Conan....decisions decisions.

GTA IV and Points

So I bought GTA IV the day of release, got a really good deal too for it. I am really enjoying it so far, the new targeting system is so much better in gun battles, not so sure I have the melee combat figured out that well though. I think it is my favourite GTA to date, though Vice City at the time was really great. San Andreas was a great game but I prefered it at the beginning when it was all about gangs and living in the ghetto rather than the later areas and never got around to finishing the storyline. I am hoping to finish this GTA as long as the missions don't get too hardcore. I have yet to try the online out but will be doing so soon.

On a different note I am really interested in Penny Arcade but not sure about paying 1600 points for it. Also I find it frustrating that you have to buy more points than needed to get games. On Xbox Live they sell points in 1000 and 500 points so I would have to in fact buy 2000 points to get this game. Seeing as most games are 400,600,800 it seems logical that they would sell points in 200's or 400's but no, they make you buy more that you may never spend. Personally I would rather just be charged to my credit card the amount for the game

Lovin' it

Well 2 or so weeks into having an XBOX360 I can report that it is better than I imagined it would be. I am loving achievements, being able to download game demos and live arcade. What a difference having your system hooked up to the net can be. I use to buy the playstation magazines with the free demo disc as this was the best way of seeing if a game was any good before spending hard earned cash on it.

I feel kinda lazy and spoiled just pressing a button on my controller and downloading game demos without leaving the living room of my apartment. It is fantastic though, I am having fun just downloading games and trying them, it will keep me going for months,especially coming in late to the XBOX360 so there are loads of demos available.

I am vowing to try more downloads, its just nothing is getting a look in cos I am hooked on oblivion. I was a big World of Warcaft addict back in the UK, so oblivion is filling that hole. OF course it isn't an MMO, but some of the crap that goes on when playing MMO's I don't miss, and it means i can quest without some idiot jumping up and down in my face, swearing or offering to duel me, boring!

The only problem is now I have my XBOX i want a HD TV....oh well there is always something new to dream about getting.


Viva Xbox360!

Finally got my hands on an XBOX360. With waiting so long I was able to get some good deals on some preowned games, games that I have wanted for ages but are not neccessarily new now. I bought the XBOX bundled with Viva Pinata and Forza 2 which was great as I wanted both those games. Usually bundles suck or have one game you want and one you hate so i got lucky. I am loving Viva Pinata, its just the kind of game I like as before this I was hooked on Chibi Robo on DS. I also picked up PGR4, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Oblivion & Gears of War so a good mix of genres to suit whatever mood I am in.


Not long now until I get to play Zelda: Phantom hourglass. This has to be for me the most anticipated DS game. I loved Zelda Ocarina of time on my N64, never got to play Majoras mask for that platform. I have tried to not read much about the new game, I don't want anything to spoil it but I have of course heard that it is looking great. I planned to wait for my long haul flight from the UK to Australia to sink my teeth into it but I doubt I will be able to wait til the end of october. I hope it's as good as I expect and that it isn't over all too briefly.

Word Search Tournament

I managed to win the word search tournament on touchmaster DS, didn't really look like anyone else was that bothered about it though to be fair.Gave me something to aim for though. It is probably about the only game on there that I could possibly achieve the number one slot.
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