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NukkinPhuts Blog

Touchmaster Ds Highscores

Its becoming quite an addiction posting highscores on the touchmaster ds web site. Managed to get top spot on word search (IDOVE) but am failing miserably to post a good hot hoops score. Am aiming to win the word search tournament in August but how will i fare once the pressure is on :p.

Cool news that Viva pinata is coming to DS, which will come first the DS version or me buying a XBOX360, could be a close call.

Post E3 Thoughts

After watching extensive coverage of E3 on Gamespot these are the games I am most interested in:
Resident Evil 5
Silent Hill 5
Dark Sector
My Sims
Touch Detective 2
Mercenaries 2

Don't know quite how I feel about the Wii fit, I wasn't that impressed with the "zapper" though, looked really cheap and tacky. All I do know is that with all the extra controllers (Wii fit board,steering wheel,zapper,guitar hero guitar,rock band drumkit,singstar microphone,buzz buzzers) you are going to start needing a huge box in your living room to keep them all in.

Wait for next gen

Im impatiently waiting to get my hands on a next gen console. Up to now I want to get an XBOX360 though that could change before I am able to buy one. I am hoping to get one at least before christmas, the reason for waiting is that I am relocating across the world and so it will be easier on a number of levels waiting til I am there. I already have a few games lined up that i want:

1) Oblivion
2)Viva Pinata
3)Saints Row
4)Virtua Tennis 3

ALong with some that are not out yet like Assassins Creed, D.I.R.T,Grand theft Auto IV,Eternal Sonata. Guess I better get saving!
Still I am looking forward to playing through God of War 2 on my PS2 and finishing up some games that I havent completed yet, mainly Tales of the Abyss & Tales of Eternia.

Pogo Island

i am really disappointed with Pogo Island. I was eagerly awaiting the release date and pre ordered it but its really lacking. The adventure mode is boring and repetetive & apart from word whomp & tri peaks solitaire the other games are crap. Even word whomp which is one of my favourite games on pogo is not really that great. I hate it when i preorder or really look forward to a game only to be hugely disappointed by it. The last one i can think of is harvest moon, that wasn't all I had hoped.Ah well I will wait for diner dash for DS, hopefully that will be good, I may even trade in Pogo Island for it.
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