I want to find out if these allegations are true. if I post this, will I get banned?
tl;dr - The answer is 42..oh, and it's a quota.
Usually when someone gets banned in OT, someone makes a thread (well, if that person is known in the community, enough to get noticed). In that thread, the community either becomes saddened, rejoices, both, and/or blame the mods. They always ask the question that has plagued OT since the dawn of time: "Why did they get banned?" Moderators will reply that they cannot discuss that. Why is this you ask? Well, read on.
A very reliable source I got from my friend's brother's cIassmate's aunt's daughter who's father's uncle, twice removed mind you, had a friend who told another friend who told some guy who lives in a trailer down the road who told my friend who told me the answer. This source, who shall be unnamed, works for CNET's Gamespot, maybe. Anyways, he sent me this excel file with what? Well, none other than a quota! Yes, it's a quota. The reason why the mods can't tell you is, well, there is no reason but to meet the quota. (fig. 1)
fig. 1 This is only part of the full excel document. I had to censor it, but there's undeniable proof. Inside this document was a quota for suspensions, warnings, and pointlosses among numerous other things.
Contrary to popular belief, newbie mods can ban! It's not exclusive to the senior mods!
Now, I know what you're thinking. I couldn't believe it myself!
Something so trivial, so completely irrevelent has to do with the bannings? I looked into this matter further.
So I went ahead and hacked into the mods' secret board. This is where all the pron suicides and other good stuff goes when a thread gets deleted. Also, mods disucss the simple pleasures of life such as bicycle riding, running in the park, long walks on the beaches, and also share techniques on how to mod the community. No users are allowed to enter this board unless you "force" your way into there. I won't share how to do this.
fig 2 What you wish you saw. (censored for protection)
fig 2.1 What you see instead
The answers are right there. I then went even further and used NORAD. Then I realized it was wayy too expensive to acquire, and hacking into it was harder than expected. So I just used google. 5 seconds later I was on the website www.GamespotModsSecretsAndWhatTheyDoNotWantYouToKnow.com
Here I discovered the shocking reports of banned users. The number was large! It was well over 9000!
So I went back into Gamespot. When you first make an account here you have to check the box that you read the Terms of Use (ToU). Have you read the whole thing or even the first sentence? I think not. Look what it says!
fig 3
So there you have it. It's all a quota. It's nothing personal, just business. Hope you enjoyed. ![](http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/shared/emoticons/smile.gif)
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