I know that I'm too late to say this but.............. HAPPY (BELATED) GUY FAWKES DAY!!!!!!
Hope you play it safe if you're doing fireworks!!!!
Hugs to everyone!!!!
I know that I'm too late to say this but.............. HAPPY (BELATED) GUY FAWKES DAY!!!!!!
Hope you play it safe if you're doing fireworks!!!!
Hugs to everyone!!!!
Hi to all my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halloween has just arrived!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just wondering, are you (or some of your family members and friends) going 'Trick or Treating' tonight????
If not, are you prepared to give lots of lollies (or maybe a trick) to people who are going Trick or treating tonight????
I'm going to finish off with this greeting..................
One more day to go and it's................... HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!
To celebrate (I know that Halloween is tomorrow), I'm putting on icons on the most scary (and cute) icons which fits into the word: Halloween!!!!
P.S: Hope you don't mind me putting pictures of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.
This blog is just random pictures that I really wanted to put on for so long (mostly on my favourite cartoons and High School Musical of course)!!!!
Hope you enjoy it!!!!
BIG HUG!!!!!!!!!:D:D:):)
I'm kind of sad at the moment since NUMB3RS is no longer on our New Zealand screens and I'm kind of not wanting to talk about it!!!!
And to make things even WORSE, I missed one of my favourite (and the most funniest) character on a TV series that I've just hired on DVD!!!!
The dvd that I'm talking about is the complete first season of Angel. My sister and I was watching the ninth episode (Hero) on Saturday night, and we both find out (the hard way) that Doyle sacrificed himself to save not only the people who are fleeing from the evil army, but to protect Angel and Cordelia:cry::cry::cry::cry: and believe me, I've love this character!!!!
From left: Cordelia, Angel and Doyle.
I thought that he will stay on for the whole season!!!! Honestly, I did!!!!
Oh well!!!! The show really must go on without him :cry::cry::cry::cry:
(at least they showed Doyle and Cordelia kissed each other)!!!!
Reminds me of Angel and Buffy kissing each other as well!!!!
Hey, I hope everyone had a good start to your weekend, I know I had even though it was hard work but the weekend is just around the corner.
Here is the long long quiz I stole fromVonkie_1991(sorry Vonkie).
What is your name?: Maria
Are you named after anyone?: Not that I know of!
What's your screename?: Numb3rsfan1
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No!!
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Mario, Love that character!!!
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: My sister's, heaps of my friends (at high school) calls me by my last name.
Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?: No.
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: Depends.
Your gender: Female
Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight
Single?: Yep, and okay that way.
If not, do you want to be?: Not at the moment.
Birth date: January
Your age: 18
Age you act: The age I am, sometimesacting as a child
Age you wish you were: My own age, have to grow up now
Your height: no clue.
Eye color: Dark Brown.
Happy with it?: Yep.
Hair color: Black
Happy with it?: Very.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Righty all the way
Your living arrangement: At home!
Your family: Lovely, crazy, stubborn and funny!
Have any pets?: Nope and never had one either
What's your job?: Spending my parents money (maybe my own too)
Piercings?: Yes,1 each on my ear lobes
Tattoos?: No way!!
Obsessions?: TV.com and Fanfiction!
Addictions?: To many to list all!
Do you speak another language?: Yep English, and a little bit French.
Have a favorite quote?: Yes!
Do you have a webpage?: Do you mean Bebo and MySpace??
Do you live in the moment?: I'll try.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yep, but not when I'm cranky.
Do you have any secrets?: Nothing big.
Do you hate yourself?: NO! I mean what's not to love?
Do you like your handwriting?: It's okay.
Do you have any bad habits?: Sure!
What is the compliment you get from most people?: You should ask most people.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: She rocks! Nah just kidding
What's your biggest fear?: Losing Loved Ones (and friends too)!!!!
Can you sing?: Sure, beautifully (sister in background: Whatever!!!!).
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Sometimes. Because being cool makes me wonder why
Are you a loner?: Nope.
What are your number 1 priorities in life?: Being happy
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Depends what kind of person I would be.
Are you a daredevil?: Not in a million years!!!!!!!!
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes, but nobody is perfect.
Are you passive or agressive?: Can be both!
Do you have a journal?: A little journal,unless this blog counts.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: My strength and weakness at the sometime can be my stubbornness and a little bit pushy (Just Kidding)!!!!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I would like to be a little taller than my boy cousins!!!!
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Yep!
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Not being an actress working with Rob Morrow and David Krumholtz:D:D:D:D.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Yep I'm okay with it.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Don't know at the moment.
What do you like the most about your body?: I don't know.
And least?: How many times is this gonna come up?
Do you think you are good looking?: I'm not bad looking.
Are you confident?: Mostly.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: Hmm someone great?
Are you perceived wrongly?: Sometimes
Do You...
Smoke?: NO WAY!!!!
Do drugs?: NO WAY!!!!
Read the newspaper?: Sometimes, when I'm bored.
Pray?: Mostly.
Go to church?: Yes.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: If only they wanted to be friends :L:L:L:L.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Not anymore.
Take walks in the rain?: Not really.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: If I get the time.
Drive?: Not yet
Like to drive fast?: No way!!!!
Would or Have You Ever...
Liked your voice?: Yep.
Hurt yourself?: Not intentionally
Been out of the country?: Once :cry:. Only when I was 5 months!
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes!
Been in love?: No.
Done drugs?: No and I don't plan to!!!!
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.
Had a medical emergency?: Nope
Had surgery?: No, wow how boring
Ran away from home?: Not from home.
Played strip poker?: No!!!! What's Strip Poker????
Gotten beaten up?: Nah!!!!
Beaten someone up?: No!!!!
Been picked on?: Yes. Back in Intermediate and early in my high school years!!!!
Been on stage?: Not yet!!!!.
Slept outdoors?: Yes!!!! School Camps!!
Thought about suicide?: NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!
Pulled an all nighter?: Sometimes!
If yes, what is your record?: Don't know, long though.
Gone one day without food?: Nope, I could never do that.
Talked on the phone all night?: No.
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: No.
Slept all day?: No, for some reason I can't.
Killed someone?: NO!!!
Made out with a stranger?: Nope.
Had sex with a stranger?: No, thank you very much.
Thought you're going crazy?: All the time.
Kissed the same sex?: NO.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No.
Been betrayed?: Not really.
Had a dream that came true?: Kinda
Broken the law?: Nope!!!!
Met a famous person?: NO. (I wish that I did though)!!!!
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No way.
On purpose?: No.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: No.
Stolen anything?: Yes.
Been on radio/tv?: Sometimes.
Been in a mosh-pit?: WHAT THE....????
Had a nervous breakdown?: Nothing big.
Bungee jumped?: No.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes. Big time!!!!
Belive in life on other planets?: Sure
Miracles?: Not really
Astrology?: Sometimes.
Magic?: No
God?: Yes.
Satan?: No!
Santa?: Not anymore
Ghosts?: Who knows?
Luck?: Yes.
Love at first sight?: Yes.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Yes.
Witches?: No.
Easter bunny?: Nope never did.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: YES!
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No.
Do you wish on stars?: No.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: No.
Who is your best friend?: Too many people to name.
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: My mom.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Always stay true to yourself.
Your favourite inside joke?: Nothing at the moment.
Thing you're picked on most about?: Nothing really.
Who's your longest known friend?: My high school friend, Poriana.
Newest?: Well, Elyse, Diantha and Teresa.
Shyest?: See question above.
Funniest?: Poriana.
Sweetest?: Elyse.
Closest?: Poriana, Elyse and Diantha.
Weirdest?: Me!
Smartest?: Don't really know.
Ditziest?: Don't know.
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Poriana.
Last person you talked to online?: Don't know.
Who do you talk to most online?: My high school ****ates.
Who are you on the phone with most?: Don't know.
Who do you trust most?: Poriana, Teresa, Elyse and Diantha.
Who listens to your problems?: See above. But all of them really.
Who do you fight most with?: No one really
Who's the nicest?: They are all nice, otherwise they wouldn't be my friends.
Who's the most outgoing?: Don't know.
Who's the best singer?: No idea!!!!
Who's on your ****. Chuck Norris? HUH?
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: Nope
Who's your second family? My friends.
Do you always feel understood?: Most of the time.
Who's the loudest friend?: Hmm, that depends.
Do you trust others easily?: Pretty easily yeah.
Who's house were you last at?: My parents where I live.
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Family and Friends.
Do your friends know you?: YES VERY WELL!!!
Friend that lives farthest away: No clue.
Love and All That...
Do you consider love a mistake?: No, though it can hurt.
What do you find romantic?: sweet little things that shows the other persons knows me.
Turn-on?: Sense of humour and nice.
Turn-off?: Very arrogant.
First kiss?: Haven't.
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you feel?: Sad.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them: Yes!
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out: Yeah I mean why not.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Nope.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: How should I know? Ask them.
What is best about the opposite sex?: Their sense of humour.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Always thinking about sex
What's the last present someone gave you?: A bracelet from my aunty uncle and my cousins, for my 18th birthday present.
Are you in love?: Yes with myself
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Don't have one!
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: Not existing.
You wanted to kill?: My little sister (just kidding)!!
That you laughed at?: Many thing.
That laughed at you?: My friends.
That turned you on?: A pic of Flack
You went shopping with?: My mum and my sister.
That broke your heart?: No one really.
To disappoint you?: Season 3 of NUMB3RS finishing eight episodes early (here in New Zealand).
To ask you out?: Can't remember.
To make you cry?: See 'To disappoint you'.
To brighten up your day?: My cousin, Remy!
That you thought about?: Many things/ persons.
You saw a movie with?: My mum and my sister, Veronica.
You talked to on the phone?: Remy, my cousin.
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Toodles
You saw?: My little sis.
You lost? My grandma
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: No I'm at tech at the moment.
Will it be with your significant other?: No!
Or some random person?: Also no.
What are you wearing right now?: Why Ask??
Body part you're touching right now: Not touching anything, I'm sitting on a desk
What are you worried about right now?: My assignments that's due soon.
What book are you reading?: Not reading a book at the moment.
What's on your mousepad?: I don't have one.
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: Tired, happy, worried, happy and exited.
Are you bored?: Not at the moment.
Are you tired?: Sort of.
Are you talking to anyone online?: No
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: No.
Are you lonely or content?: Content.
Told you it was long
I'mworking on my documentssoon and hope you'll have a good day:):):):)
Huge Hugs to everyone!!!!
Ok. I know that this blog is all about random talk, but I just feel like talking mostly about Crime Shows!!!!
Take CSI for example. CSI (including Miami and New York) are all focusing on the forensic side of the investigations and bringing those responsible to justice!!!!
While NUMB3RS is focusing on maths (math in American term) equations to solve even the most difficultcases with help of a Mathematician!!!!
And don't forget BONES (how will I forget)!!!! This is focusing on the works of an Forensic Anthropologist in which an FBI Agent is trying to figure out who murdered the victims!!!!
Here are some icons from your favourite shows!!!!
Just had a great long weekend (Labour Weekend in New Zealand)!!!!
Here are the hilights and the lowlights of my weekend!!!!
Heroes is back on our screens in NZ!!!!
Both two teams in the Southern Hemisphere won their game (Argentina won against France 34-10).
Congratulations to the South Africa team (World Champions!!!!) who won the Rugby World Cup Final against England (by 15-6).
Hired two DVD's - 1. Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and 2. Season 1 of Angel.
Went to my cousin's house on Sunday for a party (had a great time) and
In four years time, the Rugby World Cup will be reaching my home country (New Zealand in 2011)!!!!!!!! If you're a Rugby fan and wants to go to the next RWC, then visit this beautiful country of ours!!!!!!!!
Can't hire Season 1 of BONES at the video store because it was out.
Coming home late from my cousin's house.
Have to keep a secret from my sister about her Christmas present.
My tv is playing up (sometimes)!!!! and
Sunday night was the last episode (not for me) of NUMB3RS (Contenders) finished eight episodes early:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:!!!!
I hope you guys have a good week!!!!
This weekend is FINAL TIME in the Rugby World Cup!!!!
And I was wondering, who would you like to win in these two final games between:
The 3rd Playoffs: Argentina or France
The Finals: South Africa or England
And the reason why you think that that team will win!!!!
Let the voting and comments BEGIN!!!!
Maria.The 2007 Rugby World Cup has finally found two teams going head to head in this weekend's final.
After a shocking loss over South Africa in Pool play, England has just made it to the RWC Final by beating the hosting nation (and cheaters) France over the weekend by 14 points to 9 thanks to the team's best goal kicker (nicknamed 'The Goldern Boy') Jonny Wilkinson.
And just a couple of hours ago, South Africa has beaten the Argentinians 37 points to 13.
Here's an update on both the rest of Pool play, the Quarter Finals and the Semifinals (in no particular order)!!!!!
Pool A
Wales vs. Japan - Wales wins 72-18
Australia vs. Fiji -Australia wins 55-12
Canadavs. Japan - Draw with 12 all
Australia vs. Canada - Australia wins 37-6
Fiji vs. Wales - Fiji wins 38-34
Australia and Fiji.
Pool B
South Africa vs. Tonga - South Africa wins 30-25
England vs. Samoa - England wins 44-22
Samoa vs. USA - Samoa wins 25-21
England vs. Tonga - England wins 36-20
South Africa vs. USA - South Africa wins 64-15
South Africa and England
Pool C
Scotland vs. New Zealand - New Zealand wins 40-0
Romania vs. Portugal -Romania wins 14-10
New Zealand vs. Romania - New Zealand wins 85-8
Scotland vs. Italy - Scotland wins 18-16
New Zealand and Scotland
Pool D
France vs. Ireland - France wins 25-3
Argentina vs. Namibia - Argentina wins 63-3
Georgia vs. Namibia - Georgia wins 30-0
France vs. Georgia - France wins 64-7
Argentina vs. Ireland - Argentina wins 30-15
Argentina and France
Q1 - England vs. Australia - England wins 12 - 10 (by two points)!!!!
Q2 - New Zealand vs. France - France wins 20 - 18 (cheated in my opinion)!!!!:cry::cry:
Q3 - South Africa vs. Fiji - South Africa wins 37 - 20 (YAY)!!!!
Q4 - Argentina vs. Scotland - Argentina wins 19 - 13 (by six points)!!!!
England, France, South Africa and Argentina.
S1 - England vs. France - England wins 14 - 9 (Bye, bye France)!!!!
S2 - South Africa vs. Argentina - South Africa wins 37 - 13 (Yay)!!!!
Third Playoffs: Argentina vs. France (a repeat of the opening match)!!!!
Final: England vs. South Africa (Hope South Africa will win again)!!!!
Reminds me: Two matches!!!!
3rd Playoffs: Northern Hemisphere vs. Southern Hemisphere
Final: Northern Hemisphere vs. Southern Hemisphere
About the second Quarterfinal game:
In my opinion, it was a heartbreaking game!!!! The All Blacks have been penalised too much right through the game thanks to that English referee who missed out on France being either off side too much and two forward passes that brings them with the winning try.
That's it from me (for now)!!!!
Maria (Over and Out)!!!!:);)
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