NyJeo723's forum posts
"EA and Team Fusion were willing to go the extra mile on Nintendo's console, and the end result is the best controlling shooter on the system, Prime 3 included. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 sets the bar for control, customization, and pure FPS gameplay on Wii - designers take note."
-Bozon(ign main reviewer for MOH:H2)
"If you're at all interested in wartime games or first-person shooters, give Medal of Honor Heroes 2 a try. Nintendo fans need to step up and support good third party efforts like this so that we continue to get them."
-Matt(ign "another take" on MOH:H2 reviewer)
Good job ign :P.
I totally agree with them. They put the extra effort in, instead of making this another crappy WWII for the WII. Team fusion ftw :).
now if more 3rd party developers did the same :|
COD4 got a 9.4 from ign and Gamespot gave it a 9.0
MOH2 got a 8.4 from ign..... will history repeat again?:o but with 10 points lower XD.
but controlls + multiplayer seem fun. i
m hopping this game gets 8.0-8.5. not sure whats the chance sof that though lol
if so which game.
nibris always seem to talk and talk but never show anything. i bet they gonna keep delaying and by the time u know it its 2020 >.>
But nibris send an email on halloween to all the fans that sign up on their website. Heres The email
If you dont beleive me just ask for a screenshot :)
Today is Halloween so we would like to wish you great day and night :)
We also would like to let you know that your e-mail was very immportant for us but we aren't able to answer for all of e-mails.
Nibris is alive and well. From August Nibris is exclusively represented by FOG Studios, Inc.(www.fogstudios.com), the leading agency for interactive representation since 1979. We are still actively working at our projects (Sadness - Wii - 2009, Double Bloob Q2 2008 and ROTR - DS Q 3 2008) and it will be announced in the gaming press in certain time.
We will change our website soon and then you will see some news (including Sadness) about our games.
Once again thank you for your support!
Nibris team
31-153 CRACOW
NIP: 676-233-15-95
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