Okay, great. You made another grizzled modern shooter to throw on the pile... now make Overstrike. I want a bombastic, cartoonish game with a real sense of humour and style. I don't know what those focus groups really told you, but you're not going to be the next Call of Duty by copying them, every other modern shooter has more than proven that fact. Build something fresh and exciting and they will come.
Remind me again, does the Wii U use motion controls? Has Sony said word one about the Move when talking about the PS4? The Kinect might have some impressive technology behind it, but making it a requirement for your system is completely asinine. Even if Microsoft has the most impressive lineup of titles for launch, with all of the anti-consumer additions the Xbone has been attributed with, I don't see "core gamers" clambering for it...
@Cruisemissile Asses. I can pull random low-sounding percentages to support my arguments too. Only 3% of Microsoft PR guys can control their explosive diarrhea long enough to insult you to your face.
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