Hip Hop has always had a strong conspiracy-theorist strain. And that is okay. It makes for some interesting music.
Problem is, a lot of these paranoid cats just do not educate themselves to the real facts. They run through Alex Jones' websites and they think they've become enlightened, ironically.
So let me kick some true stories real quick and then I'll be willing to answer any and all questions you may have about the NWO 4 Lyfe, brother.
1. There really was a secret society that called itself the Illuminati. In France in the 1770's, a group of deists got together and tried to figure out a way to get rid of the religious establishments and governments of Europe. This is a good thing. The old monarchies were brutal oppressive dictatorships. Deism was about as rebellious as you could get back then without getting executed for the crime of atheism.
1a. So the Illuminati was based on the belief in God. Not a specific god, but a deity nonetheless. A beneficent creator god that set up the laws of physics, shaped the universe, and then let it do its thing. So this is not a "Satanic" movement.
1b. Their opponents were the extremely powerful Catholic church and the monarchies whose titles were tied to it. You know how monarchy works, right? People believed the king and his bloodline were allowed to reign because Jesus said so. It's called the Divine Right of Kings. It didn't start with Christianity, it's as old as dirt. But it's an irrational and obviously un-democratic system that basically enslaves most of the population. Why wouldn't you want that overthrown?
2. Yeah, the guy who started the Illuminati joined the Freemasons. Oh no, old men in aprons and white gloves. Terrifying.
2a. While traditional English/Scottish ****Freemasons require their members to believe in a higher power, "Continental Freemasonry" in France and Germany has been allowing ATHEISTS to join since the early 1800's. So explain to me why a group of people dedicated to Satan, demons, and other spirits is going to allowing those annoying atheists in, with their skepticism and logic.
2b. The Illuminati was crushed by the combined forces of the monarchies and the Catholic church. It ceased to exist. There is NO EVIDENCE that it successfully went into hiding or that anybody took its name.
3. Capitalism. Capitalism. CAPITALISM.
3a. You know why the world is the way it is? A perpetual struggle between people who work and people who own. The owners want as much work out of you as they can get while paying you as little as possible. The workers want as much money as possible for as little work as they can get away with. Read Marx. The ownership ****will use any tactic available to keep you from realizing that they didn't earn and don't deserve their outrageous wealth. Religion, government, culture. Anything within reach.
3b. These people do not exactly "control the world." That's not really possible. There's too many factors. And I know some of you believe that they have a secret weather control machine, but then again, some of you believe Ras Kass is a smart rapper.
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