@megadeth1117 Acting like a shallow push-over doesn't make you look mature, just sayin'. Specially in this day and age of sh*tty gaming/gamers. Speaking of which...
Here's what PS4 needs to do. Stop being ran by a bunch of incompetent bigwig retards and start thinking like gamers (I really shouldn't have to elaborate on this). Which would probably never happen because they're all, what, 50+ years old or something? But for starters, knock off the gimmicky Cell crap or whatever you're planning right now, Sony, and use a real processor/GPU.
@R2C25 Wow...Uhh if by elevator music you mean songs like 'Moonlit Wilderness, Ground Zero Funk" and "Poolside" (or many of the others heard in TTT2) Then bring on the fuckin' "elevator music".
I'm sure it'd be a great 'Aliens' game. But a great game in general is questionable. They'd have to take a whole new approach to the idea of FPS besides putting a gun in front of your face.
OGKNav's comments