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Yar! Darn! Today I lost an expansive mechanical pencil AND a scissor. I have a penchant for losing stuff! Nah, I am just not angry, I just wish that I could hang on to them better.

Today it was very windy and rainy. I can hear the howl of the winds right now as I am writing this. Quiet gusty indeed.

What else...oh work work work! Contribution to the society! I have several major assignments due on Monday. A Dress-Up Party for English (I will dress up as George Orwell because I read his biblography, see past posts). I have a Music Compostition due too for music. I've also got to make a History Snake-n-Ladder game. It seems like a lot of work but I managed to finish most of them.

I finished my Volleyball unit in Gym. AH! Today I was late (it's the first time! Looks like I am no longer a "late for class virgin"!). Anyway, our next unit is random games (e.g. indoor soccer, dodgeball, etc.)

While I was playing the single player of Total Annihilation, I managed to finish one of the mission that I got stuck on on the Core campagin, but got murdered badly to the point of defeat on a Arms mission.:P

SPYWARE AND MALWARE!!! There's tons of popups and program errors. I tried to look online forums for help but the help seemed to be complicated. Should one day clean my computer by disconnecting my internet cable first and do a through scan of my computer with all of my anti-virus/anti-spyware/registry cleaners. Hope that works...

Ah yes, some random photo drawn by me
(took some time to load em because of malware interruption)

A Commando vs 100 security force in a freefall
An Alien Swordsman (with my OMGBORONBBQ initial)

It's midnight now, cya


Yar, in computer science we had to learn about binary and octal and hex, which are basics for computer programming. It looked very complex and I am still not getting the hang of it.
What else...oh right, I was browsing through Youtube (sorry karl but it wasn't Chad Vader) and finding videos today on He's A Pirate (the song from Pirates of the Caribbean) and Alliance: The Silent War (a game) until I was flooded by 500 popup Windows. (I'm using Mozilla and disabled my IE but the spyware obviously has a way of just simply flooding my IE with blank pages)...whatever, I won't go that into detail.
Tomorrow: I have a speech presentation for English. Afterschool I will probably attend the art club in the school. And...(drumroll)...playing in our school's concert. (That's right, we have a concert tomorrow in our school! I play the violins in the Junior Strings)
Well, that's all for today. I still got some unfinished business at hand so cya.
ps. dang they closed the Big Rigs forum!

a short weekly article

Ok so anyway, I missed this school dance because they ran out of tickets. Lots of my close friends went. I am ok with not going, but I will probably feel more satistifed if I went there.

My report went back this Thursday. I've got a kudos of an average at 90.8. (My lowest is History at 76. My highests are Math, Computer Science, and Science. Looks like I'm a arithmetic nerd!)

I finished reading a biography of George Orwell this Monday...and what else...

Argh dang! This computer is infected with viruses and spywares!!! (Well, this computer was INFECTED a LONG TIME AGO, but this time it's more severe) I hope that I'll find a way of get rid of them, or die trying.

One last thing...I'm playing a PC game called Total Annihilation (Which I bought in the Christmas of 2000. I played it for 1-2 years after the single player campagign becam extremely diffcult for me. And now, this old timer is doing a comeback! I wrote a review for it if you didn't know)!!! After digging through my old, unplayed games I finally picked it up and started playing it. Yar! I can relieve that ol' time fun again!

What else? Oh right PS3...yesh, one of my friend got Resistance just before the launch day on the 17th. On the actual launching date, only 5 PS3s came to a nearby store, and people were running fast toward them as though it's a battlefield. I doesn't want to get one because I'm having too much fun with Total Annihilation.

Until Next Time

a machine pistol model

a machine pistol model that I made over the past few weeks.

I have to edit it because the file was too big for Photobucket to handle, leaving behind only two low-res viewpoints.

In case you didn't know, I have a screenshot of an earlier version of it in my blog here. It's way back so you might have to search for it...or not.

Yawn, it's getting late. Sweet dreams...oh yeah, it reads "OMGBORON likes big rigs"

weekly blog

Ok ok! I've been busy with math homework (argh, we're learning coordinating geometry. The homework we got was bascially using the same formula over and over again. It often take me hours to do them, so I have little room for other activities. I feel that it's more important to just get to the point rather than have the questions repetitive) so I didn't have time to slack at this PC. Anyway, continuing from my last Spirit Day blog...

Oct 27:

I am gonna make this short...basically, we got out at 12 : 30 pm because we're suppose to leave the school and watch a football between our school and another closeby school. Argh, our team was kept on defeating and didn't even get a single point (that is, the other team got so much touchdowns and the what nots...0-39). Anyway, I managed to see and say hi to some old friends that I knew a few years back but got seperated after we went to different schools. Soon it started to rain freeze hail so many spectators left. I was one of the few that watched the entire game (I think I was the one out of three males that was there the entire time, aside from all the players). After that, I said hi to the team and went home.

Oct: 30:

My first field hockey tournament  this school year ( I was in the field hockey team last year too)...I got out of school at 1:10 and rushed home via the subway to get some equipments. I then took the subway again to get to the arena I am supposed to go to. En route I ran into one of our coach...after a while, it was 3:30, my gametime! I played right-back ( I think. Can't remember exactly) for my team. I didn't score any point but I think I tried hard on it. Soon the sky got dark and the wind picked up speed. I'll speed up the progress so you (yeah that's right Karl I am-a lookin' at yer) can look at the results. Well, my team only won 1 game I think, but it was very intense in the time that I played. At the end of the day, I went home on my own via the traffic system..

Oct 31:

No Time for Holloween...there were some people dressed up for Holloween at my school, but not much. Yes, it's the second (and final) day for our field hockey tournament. I got out from school as usual-1:10pm and went to the same arena as yesterday. As an etiquette, I am supposed to be wearing mouthguard. And it was only today that I managed to fix my mouthguard as it often didn't fit my teeth before. Alright...gametime! My team during the playing time rushed from there and back, because this game is supposed to be frentic and fun. I was often substituted on and off. I was watched the game from the bench...people pushing it here and there. Defence lining up. Offence running back and foward. Taking shots...good stuff. I wish I was as good as them. At the end of the tournament, the MVP's from the different teams were chosen, and the winning team got the trophy (which was not us, mind you). After the tournament ended, I dined at MacDonalds with some of my teammates. And boy it sure did fill up that hungry stomach o' mine.

When I got home, it's already getting very late. Oh, it looks like I'll have to miss Holloween trick or treatin'! Oh well, until next year.

Nov 2:

School's strings practice this morning (which happens every Thursday). I had to get up at 7 am and eat breakfast. Then I took a ride from my dad's car to the school. It was kinda cold outside...but once I got inside the school building...ahh warm warm warm. Anyway, I unpacked my violin in the school's auditorium (where the practice's being held) and started practicing with the rest of the people there. Our instructor was very analytical, so oftentimes we had to stop and examines the little errors we made, or make mental notes of some places on the stave.

Afterschool: first, I went to Art Club, which I usually attend Thursdays. No body was there...but a bunch of people who is one grade younger than me was working on their art assignments. You see, I took Art last year, but not this year, so I decided to help them with whatever I remember from my past year (they were doing an exactly same project that I did last year in art). After that, I went to a community center via subway (the station that I took off was full of Playstation 3 posters. Imagine they replace them with "Big Brothers is Watching You" posters from Orwell's 1984*, lol...X_X) to speak to its employees about volunteering there. It looks like that they've got a position for me to move stuff at an art exhibit there this Saturday (speaking of art exhibit, I went to this unnoticed and small gallery just a few weeks ago for one of my English assignments). Can't wait to get for it.

Yarrrgh! Me stop writin' here, matey.

Nov 3:(today)

Today feel less rushed than the past few days. I've got this concept in my mind that we are living too much in the present, and to really understand ourselves we need to look deeply into our past and examine our childhood/past years much like what a biography would do. Anyway, enough 'bout that, let's get to the school (which I am trapped in...I'd say that shool's like a prison in some way...ya know, the lockers represent the cells that our "prisoners"-books, binders, stinky socks, etc. are being held). There are no natural light in the hallways. The basement looks dull. If you sit in your chair and do a test, and suddenly realize that time's up...then, you should be electricuted...). For my first period class I had Computer Science...I'm planning to build this lil' gunfight program based on the stuff that we learned in class. Second period-Science. We had a test. It wasn't hard at all, I think I'll do good on it...after that, Lunch...Fourth Period: Gym. We had badminton. It was more fun than educational because the teacher didn't really teach anything about badminton and allowed us to play right from the moment class starts. I think that's a pretty good idea. Fourth (and last) period: Career Study. We had to research some stuff about our future universities...ahh, I don't really like it. It isn't painstaking but it just feel dull and overwhelming sometimes to choose some courses that we would like to study.
Afterschools: I left the school on my own, because I felt that I need to experiment with going on Friday without any friends, and plus I was thinking too much about homework. No, it wasn't a bad experience...anyway, I went first to EB Games to look at all the new games coming out. Later, at about 4:10 pm, I walked home, which took about 20 minutes.

After I finished dinner, I dug through some of my ol' art assignments from many years ago to check out my own past/childhood. From the look of them, I was once a violent kid (still am). From some drawings of weapon, I see drew complex shapes and complex shapes laid upon each other, which to my surprise, isn't my style of drawing today. (Yes, my drawing today is probably still complex, but it is more realistic and shapely than the very-detailed/complex stuff I used to draw). I draw a lot, random's a common practice for me from a long time ago. Ahh, the good ol' times. Hopefully I will master my own history and learn more about myself.


*-speaking of George Orwell (whose real name is Eric Arthur Blair), I am reading one of his biographies today for a school assignment.

That's the end of my weekly blog:D:D:D cya!
(waits for Karl's comment)

School Spirit Day

Well, this blog post will offer a good departure from my previous lotta quotes and Big Rigs blog (I STILL LIKE BIG RIGS IT'S WINNER!). So anyway, today is...yes, our school spirit day, it's finally here (this is the second time I've experienced it, it happens once a year during late October).

Well, I got up at 7:00pm because I have a field hockey practice in the morning at my school. It was kind of cold because we're playing on the outside. There's a nice coach who helped give directions while we were doing a little scrimmage. Pretty fun, but the scrimmage ended soon and I was on my way to my first period class. It's bascially my English homeroom at the  third floor of the school building. Because of the spirit day, one of the things we have to do to our school is to decorate our homerooms (that means every class, not just ours). So, my class' plan was to decorate it into a rave party-ish room. We bascially had to bring dance music, fog machines, and the what nots. There are also the usual decoration such as ballons and streamers.

A few minutes, the decoration was underway. First there were the streamers latched across the room, and a small amount of ballons laid on the floor. One of my classmate brought his amped up Ipod system and soon it started to pump out techno music. The whole rave thing really came into play with the closing of the curtains (leaving the room in darkness) and our shaking with the glowsticks that we were given. In the meantime, I was seeing other classes to see how were they doing in their homeroom. First off, I see a Hollywood-themed room that doesn't seem to look anything like Hollywood. There was a No-Caretaker-Needed room that had almost no decoration so that the caretaker can take some stress off (and so that the students don't have decorate much). One of the more impressive ones was a Walkin-Theater. It was generally a movie on a projector in a dark room, with chairs arranged in a cinema fashion. The movie been shown was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. I wandered around for a while, looking at my friends in fancy dressings that are part of the soul of the Spirit Day. They are wandering around too, taking pictures and going to different classrooms, and talking with their friends because it was a study-free time. One could really sense the commotion, but being there would've been even better.

end of part 1 (I'll finish the rest of the blog tomorrow hopefully)

quotes created by OMGBORONBBQ

Here are just some random quotes created by me. Some of them may sound biased and childish, but anyway, read at your own risk.

"Turning a child into an adult? That's a dehumanization and a metamorphisis."

"He who does not follow standards, create standards."

"Bigotry is LOSER. But he who does not use bigotry will never see the true light."

"People are more aware when they question the ultimate reality of life."

"Travelling is a good way of seeing the answers to life. But going to fairyland is a new look on life."

"Loneliness isn't a disadvantage. It gives you more perspective than one can ever imagine."

"Work is like a drug: it gives you satisfaction and death."

"We are all psychotic in our own ways, aren't we?"

"Leet is the slang of haxz0rz. Terms are the slang of scientist."

"Digital will be the new reality."

"Killing a livestock is like making human meat. We all gets our parts taken: lean shoulder, ribs, and legs. Except, different species."

"When developing a game, I should ask myself: do I do it for the money, for the gamer, or for myself?"

"In a dystopia society, one will be implanted with a Brain Monitor at birth so that the authority can see and review our brain activities. We'll also need a gas mask because the air quality will be deteroriated. We'll get hooked up to wires because we're computerized. And we'll also need body armor just in case there's a war or explosion going around. Don't think this as futuristic. If our technology and demand output increases, this might as well be happening in the past 2 years."

"Some of the above statements might be LOSER. But I still concur that Big Rigs will forever be WINNER!"

Big Rigs Part 3

Lor. D. Stell held the man by his hand...and then, suddenly the man felt WINNER energy channeling through his body. However, he asploded due to WINNER overload, so he had to stay in the hospital for another few days before he can come out.

Some days later: Lor. D. Stell. awakes the now-recovered man. And he soon stated talking.

"Young man, you've got potiential."

"Doctor, I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. I am just a simple man working at Stellar Stone. And sir, it's a cool coincidence that you share the same 'Stell' with my company's name."

"Young man, do you know why you have a company that share the same name as me? Do you know why you fell through the earth, survive and come into this WINNER hospital, have dreams of awesome video games during your stay here, and asplode into pieces when I shook your hand (sorry about the last one)? Because, I've channeled WINNER energy to you all the time. You were, the chosen one, to deliver WINNER upon this world."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand..."

"WINNER is the energy that creates and goes through all things. In prehistoric times, I once governed WINNER and made sure that there was peace and satisfaction and WINNER in my earthly citizens, and on most other planes of existance that was WINNER. However, once a wormhole appeared and spewed out LOSER, which I had no control over. Soon LOSER took over the world and changed my earthlings into the state that they are currently in: hedon, unhappy, greedy, empty, horrorific, and no longer themselves. I don't fight LOSER, believing that violence is not the solution. Instead, I made stuff such as Thomas Hobbes, Zero Wing, Spongebob Squarepants, anti-apartheid protestors, environmental-green appliances, Buddhism, and so on, to bring back WINNER spirits. But my efforts still isn't bringing back the good ol' WINNER. So, I need you, young man, to put back WINNER into this world."

"I think I understand now, Stell.'

"Good to know, young man. Now, I want your upcoming Big Rigs video game to have WINNER in it. I wish you can do it, for the world. Here, this should help..."

Lor. D. Stell. took out something called the Ultranav. He explained to the man that this will help greatly in making Big Rigs WINNER.

And soon, the man was discharged from the hospital...he's now on his way back to Stellar Stone, to make WINNER...



YESSSS!!! I FINALLY DID IT!!! AFTER SO MANY HOURS, IT'S FINALLY HERE...well, anyway, I installed the old Red Alert on this XP computer last-last week, and I finally beat the Allied campagin. The purpose of writing this is to tell the outro video for you. Warning: spoiler

Three Allied soldiers snooped around a rubble, where they discover-begosh-Stalin, covered in blood! As ordered, they are suppose to bring him out of the rubble and detain him. However, just as they begin to get close, their Greek general Stanos (I think that's his name) told him that he'll take care of Stalin on his own. So, the soldiers re-took the orders and left.

Now, Stanos crouched beside Stalin. He took out a handkerchief and stuffed it in Stalin's mouth. Then, he took a big block of concrete and covered Stalin, which marks the end of the Soviet Empire. Now, Stanos says farewell and marches off.

ROLL THE CREDIT!!!...and begin Red Alert 2!!!





PS. I am working on the second part of my Big Rigs story. I am having some trouble combining "comedy and WINNER drama". Don't worry I'll probably have it out later this week.

PSS. Imagine in an alternate history that's not Red Alert's or ours, a nuclear war wipes out most of humanity in the year 2800. Stalin's body, which is kept inside an underground bunker, gets ressurected, and he begins to lead the surviving human.

Big Rigs: A Story: Part 1 of 2

Sometime in October 2003: While making the Big Rigs game, one of the member of the Stellar Stone council accidentally tripped. Miraculously, he fell through the the ground. He kept on falling through solid mass until he reached the center of earth, where he started to spasm at 10000000 kilometers per second. Then, he suddenly "refall" back to Stellar Stone. As soon as he returned, his got psychotic and light-headed and went blank...

The next week: The person was awake. He was looking around, and he realized that he was brought to a hospital room after he fell into a coma. Obviously, his buddies at Stellar Stone realized that he has being tapped by some sort of divine power that allowed him to momentarily go through solid objects. However, doctors soon arrived and brought the unconcious him to the local hospital. If he remembered, he was dreaming while recovering in the hospital. In the dreams, he kept on having visions of Shaq Fu and Zero Wing and several other games such as Microsoft Office Simulator 1989 and Unprogrammed Software: Ultimate Blank Games Collection for PC 2001. These games kept on appearing in his mind until he woke up.

Then suddenly, from the corner of his eyes...he sees a bright ray of light shining from the door. The door flung open, and a doctor came in. On his ID tag reads: Lor. D. Stell...and from that moment on, Big Rigs and Stellar Stone will be changed forever...


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