I gotcha... Well that is kind of upsetting, I was hoping to see some grueling images on the psp, but oh well... I thought it was made in to a dic like movies which are "unrated"
.... how come I am reading articles about a Manhunt 2: Uncut... I know someone downloaded a verison of it or something, Hmmmm If anyone has any light to shed on the sitation please let me know
I am going on a Game Sto[/ Game Crazy run tonight and I got it narrowed down to 4 games I am going to look for and I want all your input. I am a FPS addict, but I also like games like Gears, Resident Evil, Retribution.... the Games are: Coded Arms Silent Hill: Origins Killzone: Liberation Manhunt 2
Ya...I already own Retribution, and I like it but all I have played for the last 9 years is competitive FPS, so I was hoping to migrate my love to the PSP
I always hear good things about the manhunt series, and I was looking into getting Manhunt 2 for the PSP but I can't find ANYTHING about the game! Gamestop doesn't even have one picture about the games actual gameplay.... Any thoughts?
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