Quick question, I am moving in like 2 days, but I cancelled my cable and internet last month and since then I have purchased Killzone 2. Seeing as I have no internet connection for the Ps3 I am not able to download any updates/patches and I keep reading on about the game I hear they have fixed some aspects of the game (mainly aiming or controls) and I was wondering how much does this patch fix?
Now... Forgive me I haven't checked out the list of playable Xbox games on the 360, but when I last checked it there was one game in particular I wanted to play on my 360 because my original Xbox is now 12 hours away at my parentals house (probably never to be played again if I have to see them for it) the game: Deathrow ^- for those who don't know about the game, it wasn't widely released because I believe they tried to actually ban or prohibit the game's purchase due to it's explicit content... The game isn't even that bad, but back in 2002 or whenever it came out I guess it was.
My opinon comming from 1-player ONLY! I bought the game on launch because it was so well advertised (ya I am a sucker like that) And the game play is fun, but everyone keeps talking about how awesome the online play is... and I didn't see ANYTHING great about being the infected, it didn't strike my fancy but I am not saying the game sucked I just don't see where everyone is comming from in this love for the online play... I do not believe it should have won GoTY though (I still can't find out where it won, but I found a Left4Dead GoTY edition at gamestop)
In the google images they pulled up a lot of them... DC Comic Series The Dark Night 300 Simpsons Some are awesome looking, and I just saw the 5th year anniversary of Xbox Live controller.... AWESOME!
So I am getting mixed reactions from this game, and it is on my list for purchase but here is my Predicament. I got kids from the FPS union saying it is worth it Then I got people in the forums just bashing this game like no one's else Now I know the FPS union may be a little biased, but TRUTHFULLY, for someone who Loves FPS IS THIS GAME WORTH THE PURCHASE?
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