While these games look fun and everything, wouldn't it be so cool to play a survival horror game with the graphics of Farcry 2 and Crysis?
Imagine the ganados in RE4 looking that realistic... It would be twice as frightening to fight them... or the new enemies in Resident Evil 5(RE5 will look realistic but not as much as Crysis)...
With Crysis and Farcry 2, your just killing generic enemies you see in alot of FPSes. I mean they don't have to turn the games around into a survival horror game but the games just seem too much like technical achievements, and the graphics don't really add as much to the atmosphere like having those amazing graphics in a survival horror game.
There were parts in that new Crysis video that you could not tell the difference between graphics and reality(well they looked very similar) and it would just be so freaky to play a survival horror game like that.
I have to agree, it would creep you out more, especially with the survial/horror game taking place in actual areas in the world. The more realistic it looks the more you think about if it actually happen, therefore frightening you more. Yeah it'd be cool, unfortunately, the Resident Evil series isn't on PC, and I don't think the consoles could get a game as big as Crysis looking as good as Crysis... sadly :(
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