I've noticed a lot of PS3 bashing in the last 2 weeks or so and I'm just wondering why it's all happening now? Yes, sales are lagging but even the most devoted Sony fans will tell you it's simply because the PS3 is just too expensive for what it offers right now. There's no major games out yet like MGSIV, FFXIII, GT5, GTAIV, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank: Future, GOW3 etc and the console is $600.
Did anyone really expect the PS3 to sell brilliantly without any games? I mean, the 360 sold simply OK in its first year or so without any competition. Now PS3 has 2 competitors and it's basically doing as well as the 360 was in its time, without any major games.
I realise many here own a Wii or 360 though so I can understand the concern that PS3 may start to overtake Wii/360 sales when the standout games arrive, but why is that so surprising or worrying? Are you worried that Nintendo/MS will drop their console support and make a new console before the PS4?
Enlighten me. Why the strong hate against the PS3?
You already stated it in your post. Bad sales, High Price, not really any good games out, and Sony promised a lot, but underdelivered. Now I'm not saying the PS3 is bad myself, I own one, I like it, but those are the reasons PS3 is gettin bashed.
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