Ocktober17's forum posts
Yeah, environments in GRID>>>>>>>>>GT5: P. Then again, GRID isnt a racing sim.-DrRobotnik-
Niether is GT as it don't do damage how can it be a sim.GT is an arcade racer that wants to be a sim lol.
I have seen to many fanboys hyping Gears 2 too many times. I guess that's because the 360 has been lacking good exclusives in 2008. The PS3 already has Metal Gears Solid 4, Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue, and MLB '06: The Show. Sure, Gears 1 was a good game, but it was most widely praised for its graphics at a time when the PS3 was in its infancy and other Xbox 360 games looked rather weak. Thus, it's reality check time.
1. No game created on the Xbox 360 console will ever earn the honor of being the most technologically advanced game ever created. The PS3, barely a year and a half, already has Metal Gear Solid 4. Gears 2 and all other 360 games will be less technologically advanced than Metal Gear Solid 4. Only future PS3 games can match the MGS4's technological prowess.
2. Gears 2 will most likely not enjoy its graphics supremacy on consoles and will likely score lower than the first. The Xbox 360 is simply not technologically advanced enough. It lacks a Blu-ray disk, a Cell Processor, and a stadard hard disk drive. As such, Gears 2 will be monochromatic, abound with cartoony, oversized humans having unrealistic hair and unremarkable animation. It's multiplayer will remain quite small relative to the PS3's Resistance 2. Also, Gears 2 will not look much better than the best looking 360 games already out. Thus, praises given to Gears 1 for its graphics will not as high or as abundant.
3. Gears 2 will have to compete against a slew of high powered games from the PS3 as well, including Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, and other suprises shown in E3.
So be real, fanboys. In post Metal Gear Solid 4 era, the 360 is simply too limited to produce another game as advanced as the best PS3 games.
You sure do talk alot of nonsense,get real fanboy.
I didnt get the 360 during launch, I got it a year later and had it for about a year, I traded it for a PS3 around X-Mas 2007. With in that year, It got sick (RRoD), I sent it to the ER. When it came back home, it was kool for about 3 month, then it started to go blind (Read disk error) once and a while. When I took it to Gamespot to trade it, I was saying to myself..."I hope it works", It did work.
I didnt like the whole ordeal all together so my question is: what are the people gonna do with launch 360 when the 3 year warranty is up?
They'll just buy another one,Thats how the PS2 reached it worldwide sales
My amazing copy of Spiderman 3 on blu-ray says different.
I'm glad your easily pleased,Must be one of the worst movies I've ever watched.
say what u want of spiderman 3, weather it was a good or bad movie but fact is that it will sell. sm3 will be the final nail in the already losing hd dvd format. Your friendly neighborhood spiderman saves sony. Blu ray, the official format of this gen and the next.virtuas
Best Laugh I've had all day:lol:
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