thanks guys.....can't wait to pick this one up.
OldToBegin's forum posts
I'm really curious to pick up this game for obvious reasons...the art style, music and story all look fantastic.
The only problem is that I've NEVER played an rpg before. Whenever I've dabbled in demos, etc...I tend to get a glazed look in my eyes and I give up bfore I start enjoying them.Â
Is this a hard game to get into if I'm not familiar with typical rpg gameplay? Or, will the learning come easy after a couple of hours?
What about difficulty levels - is there an easy mode?
Thanks for any input you guys have!
That's too funny.STAY AWAY FROM NINTENDOGS - any of them! :(
Lost in Blue 2 had some very funny mic work - you had to mimic a gorilla. :oops:
Thanks guys...wasn't sure about the frequency or what was required exactly.
Sounds like I could pull it off!
This may sound silly, but I'm hesitant to pick up either Bowser's Inside Story or Spirit Tracks because I've heard they require you to blow/talk? into the mic.
Because I game during my breaks at the office, I need to be discreet. I'm usually playing the DS in a lounge area surrounded by other office workers, and my black DS lite doesn't stand out at all. Maybe I'm over-thinking it, but not sure I want people seeing me using the mic - I still have to appear professional!
I thought about buying these games anyway, but I really do 90% of my DS gaming at work. Are these mic instances rare enough that I could delay them once in a while till I got home? Buy Okamiden instead? :)
Played it at the Newcastle leg of the tour, I would potentially buy it just for Ocarina of Time. Overall it was very impressive, I must admit the 3d hurt my eyes at first, took a little while to get the sweet spot on the slider which changed from game to game for me. On some games it was tricky to 'lock in' and keep the 3d effect focused (particularly Kid Icarus) However I was standing and being jostled a little by people walking past. Here are some quick thoughts on what I tried out. Remember its just my oppinion and from what I gathered and what the promo people were saying is that it differs from person to person (the 3d effect that is) Ocarina - brilliant, system seller in my oppinion. Nice graphics update, total nostalgic trip. Street Fighter - great, but the controls seemed to be more tricky than usual, however im sure after a while of getting used to the circle pad/D pad it would be better. Graphics were verging on console quality. Nintendogs - insanely cute... in a totally non masculine way! ( :/ ) Resident Evil Mercs - great graphics, controls took a little getting used to (despite playing the console versions) Steel Diver - Not really my thing, allthough I didnt give it much time. Pilot Wings - 3D really added to the visuals letting you judge distance easily, seemed like a nice relaxing game. Kid Icarus - I was not really a fan, controls were overly fiddly. Reminded me of Star Fox 64 a little (and I was in love with that game, looking forward to the 3ds version) I have never played any of the other KId Icarus games if that makes a difference.... Just my quick thoughts on what I tried out, I didnt try the AR games for some reason which I regret a little. mark_c_128
Great Impressions, Thanks!
Ocarina looks incredible. That and Pilotwings are the two standouts on your list for me.
Thanks for the impressions.
Anyone know when they will be on display in NA (in my case Canada)?
I've signed up for updates on this via the Nintendo website, but no word yet on where or when I can try one out myself.
It's still pretty relevant I guess.There is a unwritten rule (in the Nintendo DS/3DS Forum and the system-specific forums) that states that threads that have been dead for at least two weeks should not be revived. People should not be "bumping" them. If they wish, they can create a new thread on this topic.[QUOTE="cjek"][QUOTE="thom_maytees"]Why is a thread that has been dead for nearly two months bumped? thom_maytees to the boards. I thought I read all the unwritten rules, but I guess not :)
I figured I would get blasted for starting a new thread when one already existed.
I hear what you guys are saying, but I think the shorter viewing distance of the 3DS compared to theatre viewing is a factor. Basically, more work for the eyes.
I also hope you guys are right - I was just a bit worried because the source wasn't a generic news feed but rather from "gamers" themselves.
Did anyone else catch the IGN UK Q/A video on the 3DS today/yesterday?
When asked about eye strain, one of the editors said it took 1 minute for his eyes to hurt. Another said about 30 minutes, while the third said he had no problems.
I'm kind of concerned about these impressions....I love the idea of the 3DS, but not sure I want something that could cause eye strain.
Anyone else worried about how their eyes will hold up?
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