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#1 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

If Uncharted is the only game you can think of that you believe has a good story I can only suggest you play more games. I've been playing games on computer since the text adventure days and have played many games with amazing stories. From Colossal Cave through to Oblivion. Also the fact that you feel you have to reply to every post to prove your point is a little pretentious don't you think?CellAnimation

In my opinion I think Uncharted is one of the only games(that I have played)that has a decent story AND does a good job telling it. Of course there are many games that I have not tried, but believe me when I say I have played my fair share of them.

I reply to many of the posts because I thought that was one of points beeing on a forum discussing PS3/game related topics. I am not saying that I am right in anything, but it is my opinion. My impression is that many game makers try to make their games like interactive movies, but cannot do it. Have you ever been touched by the story in a game the same way a movie does?(Many would mention Aeris´death here, and I get the point, but still...)

What I can not understand is the fact that both the story in games and the way they are told is not better when we now have some really powerful consoles.

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#2 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

The baby thing in the end? The ultimate price?


Well SotC is considered a prequel for Ico, and if you've played (or even just seen) Ico, you should know that there's a horny boy (:P) hanging around with a girl (no wonder uh?? :P)

I did not know these games had anything to do with each other regarding the story. But if they have; does any of the games make more sense? Why did the girl survive after all in Ico?

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#3 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts


While I understand what you are saying and agree with you to some degree, I have to say, Uncharted is more of a straight summer popcorn movie that we all would take our kids to see.

But other games like FF is like a long winded fantasy book that if you don't sit down there and play it quietly with concentration, you aren't going to get the story.

I agree with you on this one. The problem with the FF series(I know I´m being to general, but you get my point) is both the lenght and some logic.

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#4 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

Man, what's not to get from SotC?? I can understand how someone doesn't get MGSs story at first or even after a couple of times because it's all tangled up, and that FFs stories are just too long and sometimes you can even forget WTF happened at some points... but SotC???

It has one of the simplest story from the last gen gaming and as simple as it is, it turned out being precise enough to make it appealing to everybody.

The baby thing in the end? The ultimate price?

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#5 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

Try Heavenly Sword.emitsu97

Good point, but I do not think it compares to Uncharted. It is not exciting in the same way. It is, however, a game with a story that is more accessible than most other games. Maybe I should try it again, but Bohan is a major pain

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#6 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

I have played a lot of games in my time and there are some things about games that has always annoyed me, the story.

There are some things about this I must specify;

In most games, for me, the story is completely uforståelig(incomprehensible). This comes to most Japanese games like the Final Fantasys, Ico, The Shadow of the Colossus, MGS etc. I chose to be a little humble about this and say that I am probaly to shallow to understand them, but I think there are a lot of places that there is little logic in what happens.

Furthermore; the way the story is told can be another issue. Half Life, both the first and the second, should have an exciting story, but the way it is told, through what the other caraters say to me(Freeman) just do that I misses out on the story.

One other thing that bothers me is that i cannot think of a single game with a satisfying bossfight that concludes the game with a bang. The endings always feels like anticlimax.

So; my point(finally) is that Uncharted does all of these issues right(again, for me)except the boss fight thing. But that is the only game that has a really good movie feeling about it. I hope this is the start on a new gaming trend. I am soon to begin my third playthroug, but I will wait for the rumble axis for this one. Great game.

What´s your opinion?(Please do not only punch me under my belt by calling me stupid etc.)

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#7 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

Wow, i am amazed at the reviews of this game. I would not be surprised if it gets game of the year. So either I am not right in the head, or I'm just not getting it. Why do I think it sucks so bad? I played through the campaign in a couple hours. It was pretty intense, but too short. But every time you play a level, the exact same events happen every time. So much for replay value. The AI is borderline mentally disabled. The game looks pretty, but it better. It doesn't hardly have any foilage, and what there is doesn't look that great. No squad mechanics, it has terrible, outdated physics.

It is just like playing an arcade game, run around theough these scripted events, don't worry about health, it comes right back, walk right up to a guy and shoot him, and repeat. It's terrible, same thing as call of duty 2 and 3 just with a different story and new guns and some better textures. The MP is a total rip off of rainbow six lockdown which no one played, but it is a total copy cat. So please help me understand, why does everyone love this game? And how can it even be put on a list with games like Bioshock, orange box, and Crysis.

Too bad for you that you did not enjoy this game. For me it is the best fps I have ever tried(I have not tried Bioshock or Crysis)

What I loved about this game is the intensity and the incredible good graphics. Furthermore I do not agree with you that the physics are bad, besides the death-animations are perfect and the overall "feel" of the game is incredible. I have never played a game more realistic. I can agree with you about the arcade bit in some way, but I rather have it that way instead of a "realistic and frustratingly difficult game. The realistic characters appeal to me instead of some monsters from outer space.

Not to mention the utterly enjoyable online. In comparison I think Orange Box and Team Fortress is a complete anticlimax compared to CoD4.

Lucky for me that I enjoy it. Too bad for you that you don´t, but you can always trade it in for a game that suits you better. Good luck.

It is short, but for me it was more than long enough. Games longer than this usually never gets played to the end for mine part because I loose interest underways.

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#8 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

....top the mighty CoD4?

In my opinion they face a really tough competitor. I have never ever seen a game more lifelike than CoD4. Not only are the graphics great, but the developer have also got the "right" death animations, feel of the different weapons etc. My worries when it comes to Killzone 2 is not that the graphics wont match those of CoD4(I expect they will and will be hugely disappointed if not)but will they manage to get the "feeling right". I must admit that the videos of the game so far have been a little disappointing. My negativity relates to the colour palette of the game and so far; has the game better graphics than CoD4?(An other thing but of less importance, is the fact that the main characters does not wear helmets in a war situation. Why?)

When it comes to Socom; why should I buy that game when the online part of CoD4 is the best thing I have ever tried(I repeat this is only my opinion) The only reason I can think of is that if Socom is a more a Warhawk kind of game. With this I mean a fun, non realistic and fast pacing game which in style and gameplay is no direct competitor of CoD4.

Anyway; it is only a good thing with variation, but I hold my fingers crossed regarding Killzone2.

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#9 OleAndreasBull
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts

A very, very good game indeed.

In an interview one of the developers said that Ico had been an important influence. It shows,but I must say that Ico had better camera angles when it comes to heights and so on. I think when Drake is balancing on a ledge high above the ground you should see the high drop a little better. Ico was better in that way in my opinion.

But all in all; a very entertaining game. It brought back a good adventure feeling that I havent had in a long long time. keep it going Naughty Dog.

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#10 OleAndreasBull
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Mine has frozen when I have surfed the web, played games on- and offline