If Uncharted is the only game you can think of that you believe has a good story I can only suggest you play more games. I've been playing games on computer since the text adventure days and have played many games with amazing stories. From Colossal Cave through to Oblivion. Also the fact that you feel you have to reply to every post to prove your point is a little pretentious don't you think?CellAnimation
In my opinion I think Uncharted is one of the only games(that I have played)that has a decent story AND does a good job telling it. Of course there are many games that I have not tried, but believe me when I say I have played my fair share of them.
I reply to many of the posts because I thought that was one of points beeing on a forum discussing PS3/game related topics. I am not saying that I am right in anything, but it is my opinion. My impression is that many game makers try to make their games like interactive movies, but cannot do it. Have you ever been touched by the story in a game the same way a movie does?(Many would mention Aeris´death here, and I get the point, but still...)
What I can not understand is the fact that both the story in games and the way they are told is not better when we now have some really powerful consoles.
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