There is alot of confusion on this thread, so let me set your collective heads straight:
A.) Retro Studios has made two MP games, congratulations. Irrational games has made many successful and innovative titles across a spectrum of genres and sub genres. They have by far a superior track record and have affected more areas of game development than Retro Studios. Retro Studios has fulfilled a niche in Nintendo's console lineup. They are inferior talent with inferior products with little innovation. Their games are simply adventure titles starring a former side scrolling Nintendo heroine.
B.) There was as assumption made in this thread that Bioshock was doing the same old whereas MP 3 was doing something new. Bull**** MP3 is the same Metroid prime that was on the GC except with Wii controls. There is nothing daring or innovative about that, just the obvious. Bioshock involves some of the most complex strategy in FPS games. It's a blend of shooting, role playing, and deductive reasoning. The story in Bioshock sounds like a deep and fulfilling experience whereas the story in Metroid Prime is not interesting at all. Bioshock, technically, mechanically, conceptually is a more innovative and daring title. Gameplaywise, storywise, everythingwise, it takes the cake.
C.) Both games will have fanboy bias smeared across them. Bioshock because it is an "exclusive" Xbox 360 title, and Metroid because it's a Nintendo franchise. However, given the adoration of former average Metroid games, it's clear that the fanboy bias will be stronger with Metroid.
In conclusion, Bioshock will pwn Metroid Prime 3. Unless the Cowboys lose to Reagan middle school's second team.
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