anyone else get a sorta perfect dark feel when playing conduit? while i was playing i said it felt sort of familiar and my friend mentioned perfect dark, well anyways i was wondering about overlord as well, i havent heard too much about it, mostly complaints about gameplay
Omatron's forum posts
well first off a ronin was a samurai with out lord or master, ok that out of the way i remember watching ronin warriors every sunday, too bad i never was able to finish watching it, dubs back then were so cheesy anyways, it was Ronin Warriors, Teknoman (Tekkanman Blade) and i forgot the name of the other one but they used to show them all back to back, so sad to see nothing resembles this at all anymore, its all nature shows and news crap
i really liked the fact that karas being 3d was still hand animated, the opening of prophecy was so fast paced, the camera kept switching in and out though, bit frustrating because the animation was so fluid, ive been playing this at planet zero every weekend for awhile now, one guy there is a beast with ryu, karas is the only character i can use to keep up
please dont expect high poly counts, its not going to be a graphical powerhouse, that said they technically are pretty close to acheiving an early "360 game" look, not because its such eye candy, no, not close, what they are saying, and what they have been saying for awhile is that they are able to acheive the same next gen efects such as per pixel lighting advanced shaders, bump (bump? nofsingers very own words though he may mean normal mapping or displacement mapping, really they have been braggin more about what they can do which yes is good graphics but ive always understood them to mean it from a technical standpoint, i dont think any game is going to have a poly count anywhere near whats need to be an early 360 comptetitor, i could always be wrong, digital legends have been my favorite developer just because they pulled off realtime lighting, bump maps, 300 motion captured animations, a really impressive combo/counter system and used 1.5k poly models and equally impressive looking enviroments on the n-gage, the game could easily stand next to a ps2 game and this was on a system half as powerful as ps2, so hopefully someone will come along who can do that for wii (digital legends is nokia)
the black and white removes the depth normally percieved in color, makes it easier to texture everything when you dont have to worry about it looking flat, since its all black and white, its already pretty visually flat, that should let them add as much texture detail as possible, lowering the poly count on the overall enviroment and and using that extra space for more lowpoly yet highly textured objects and characters, it looks great, has a style all its own, and alows for a ton of detail not easy to acheive in normal circumstances
i really dont see why its so bad to bring bioshock to wii, i think it would be great if they did, everyone keeps complaining about the graphics, the graphics dont have to take a big hit like most games have, take the ngage and the game ONE, they had 1500 poly characters, fully mapped 3d enviroments, bump mapping, realtime lighting, 300 moves motion captured, all on a 104mhz device with no graphics acceleration, the ps2 was pulling the same weight on a 300mhz processor and a graphics card to back up the visuals, the developers just havent taken the time to just play with the hardware and see what they can push, i wish digital legends (Development studio behind ONE)could have a go at wii hardware
btw there is a fully 3d version of Bioshock coming out on mobile phones that looks pretty good although a bit 64-ish in design
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