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#1 Omegax23
Member since 2007 • 44 Posts

Then I read "Advanced Artificial Intelligence" and got intrigued.

This was the NES we are talking about, remember. Artificial Intelligence was absolutely unheard of at the time!

But, being the gamer that I was back then, I was immediately challenged by the "Adjusts the Difficulty of the Game Automatically" and decided to give it a try.


It's called rank and it's used in most shoot em' ups. How does rank work? It's simple,the rank adjusts to how well you play. The better you are the higher the rank will be. You can counter the rank system by implementing a kamakazi tactic which resets the rank, in other words you klll yourself.

SinceGradius is the greatest game ever! I just wanted to point out that Gradius did it first:D Thats why it has it's very own suicide code in future releases.

Anyway, Zanac is an awesome game. Since Zanac is developed by Compile you can expect other excellent games such as Gunac and The Guardian Legend to be released on the VC.

Now that we have Zanac, I demand Recca to be released on the import shop. If your impressed by the rank in this game for being in NES game, then wait until you experience the manic speed of Recca.

yes bring me Gunac please lol.

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#2 Omegax23
Member since 2007 • 44 Posts
Not sure man. I'm dying to play it though after the screens I saw. Totally digged the original.
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