Neither disappointment nor excitement sprout from my heart like fluid from a rancid or fresh-water spring. I see it as the next step to their next big thing.
No pwobwums so far captain! My games are actually tactfully intact, in fact. From the surface of the scalp my fingers scratch surfaces a thought; it says to me: "All CD's are created equally from the same composite materials and manufacturing process, aside from any additional processes it may go through to come out as Blu-Ray, HD-DVD or any of the other remaining densities. Whoever cracked their discs on any console probably needs to take better care of their belongings." My litter box has become full.
Other naemz for a possible sequal: Super Smash Brothers: Battle! Super Smash Brothers: Smash! Super Smash Brothers: Fight! Super Smash Brothers: Tussle! Super Smash Brothers: Scuffle! Super Smash Brothers: Exchange-of-blows! Super Smash Brothers: Wrangle! Super Smash Brothers: Mangle! Super Smash Brothers: Donnie-Brooks! Super Smash Brothers: Argue! Super Smash Brothers: Conflict! Super Smash Brothers: Disturbance! Super Smash Brothers: Tumult! Super Smash Brothers: Rumpus! Super Smash Brothers: Chuck Norris! For extra features that make fans numb in the tongue, please include my beloved Mew-Two, because I set my building on fire when you replaced him with the supposedly kewl Lucario, The Masked Blue Furry Lolcat. I dearly miss teleporting behind unsuspecting opponents and careening them into oblivion using nothing but my telekinetically charged appendages, and whipping people with my precariously shaped "purple tail." Lastly, I need to be able to choose 1 v 1 specific matches online. There are more precious kodak moments in those intimate duels with Nintendo's action figures! P.S - Say hi to your family for me.
Rather than have a full blown new Final Fantasy, I REALLY REALLY REALLY have always hoped for an astonishing remake of Final Fantasy 6. In my opinion it was the most defining one, it had the most diverse characters and I loved the idea that the storyline didn't quite focus on just one character. It was the first final fantasy to invoke the old adage of an underdog rebellion versus an imposing, self-interested Empire, complete with twists and turns. It was the first Final Fantasy to have budding romance sprout from several pairs, playing into the story and really making you feel that these characters were real. The story seemed to seamlessly revolve around whoever you assigned as party leader, and the rest of your party group. You could get to know each characters backstory and every mannerism just by having him in your group or as the leader more often. A great mix of linear and non-linear gameplay... I miss those days, and I wish a remake could take advantage of all the powerful hardware we have now... :sigh:
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